by Paul Rason
At the November meeting of the society l had the honour to give a talk entitled ‘War Memorials of Bromley*, a subject I have been researching for the last year 1 mentioned that dicre arc two national organisations now existing dealing with memorials, both in fact emanating from concern as to the state of the country’s memorials Over the years many have been lost, stolen, damaged by vandalism or the weather, and until recently few liad any recorded information so diat repair or replacement was often very difficult. The National Inventory of War Memorials, based at die Imperial War Museum is spearheading die drive to create a database of all memorials in the UK They estimate diere are over 50,000 of which they are aware of only 20,000 but after 9 years work, only 11,000 have so far been placed on die computer database.
The Friends of War Memorials has been formed to encourage and give advice on action to save local memorials.
Neither organisation owns, holds or can actually store memorials. It is very much a local issue, as in fact most memorials were paid for and erected by local communities. It never occurred to them 50 and 80 years ago that some day these memorials would need care and maintenance to enable them to survive, which is why so many are now in a poor state. Although it has to be said that Bromley’s are generally in good repair. The main high street memorials, for want of a better description, I term diem 'council’ memorials of which there arc 17, arc well maintained, for which we owe a debt to Barry Holroyd, the Deputy Director responsible for such matters in the Environmental Services. He has taken a great personal interest in the memorials and has ensured they are maintained to the high standard we all would like to see continued.
I then went on to show a selection of my slides to indicate the varying types of memorials in the borough, which I think surprised many in the audience. Stained glass windows, VAD Hospital plaques, the Biggin Hill Lace, a gate and a grave headstone are just examples of the 140 memorials 1 have found in the borough 1 tried to impart to the audience the amount of valuable local history information there is available in many of the memorials, and my own interest in the why and how many were designed, selected and croctcd to recall such tragic events. We are reproducing here my current list of the borough’s memorials, and I would be pleased to hear of any others readers may know of, in churches, schools, banks, factories - in fact anywhere. 1 am particularly interested in the story surrounding each memorial, i.e. where erected, who unveiled it, cost etc.
I hope the society members present enjoyed and found the presentation interesting, and that my answers to the many questions made a fitting tribute at this Remembrance time.
Further to the above, I am continuing with my search for Memorials, to any conflict, within die Borough. We are listing in a abbreviated form all the memorials (except the council maintained memorials of which there are 17) that I know of at this time I would be pleased to receive information on any others that members may know of, even if they are not sure of the current whereabouts.
INDEX 26/11/98
N VM Nem o ""Towvrrtc;:5-- Description
J Gardner & Co. Ltd Kent House small plaque on factory wall 20+1
Holy Trinity Church Christchurch Anerley Photo of original M . lost in bombing 1942
Holy Trinity Church Christchurch Anerley Plaque of 15 names now in Christ Church
St Paul's Church Upper Norwood Anerley Plaque 3rd Volunteer Battalion
St George's Church Beckenham Marble type plaque 14 names
Beckenham Baptist Church Beckenham Beckenham Wooden plaque. 9 names
Beckenham Baptist Church Beckenham Beckenham Brass plaque 45 names ?
Beckenham Baptist Church Beckenham Beckenham Brass plaque to Lt Bartholomew
Beckenham Baptist Church Beckenham Beckenham Brass plaque to Lord Stamp and family
Beckenham Baptist Church Beckenham Beckenham Largo memorial, m mosaic marble and gold lettering:
Christ Church Beckenham Beckenham Large Marble effect M . 5 3 + 37 names
Clock House Methodist Church Clock House Beckenham Wooden plaque 5 names
London Transport Memorial Langley Park Social nnd Beckenham Stone Slab. 10 names of those killed at Elmars
National Provincial & Union Nat W e st Sports Club Beckenham Large plaque to bank employees
St Barnabas Beckenham Beckenham Wooden grave marker Lt Croo
St Barnabas Beckenham Beckenham 2 stained glass windows
S t Barnabas Beckenham Beckenham Wooden cross bearing crucified Jesus [
St Edmunds Beckenham Beckenham Dark Grey stono 9 names
St George's Church Beckenham Beckenham ornato wooden shrine type M . with many names [
St Michael and All Angels Birkbeck Beckenham Wooden plaque. threo columns. 33 & 16 names ;
St Paul's Church Beckenham [Beckenham parchment. wooden framed 13 0 names ?
St Paul's Church Beckenham Beckenham T w o plaques 15 names & 28 names
United Reform Church Beckenham [Beckenham marble plaque. 6 names
United Reform Church i Beckenham Beckenham brass plaque to A.H. C U R T IS V A D Hospital
Beckenham Christ Church Beckenham V A D Hospital Christ Church and Balgowan
St George's Church Bickley Bickley Marble plaque surrounded by Wood 5 4 + names
St George's Church Bickley Bickley Pillar with small metal cross outside church
R A F Chapel Biggin Hill Biggin Hill Mom orinl Chapel dedicated to former RAF The Memorial Library Biggin Hill Biggin Hill community building Biggin Hill Laco Bromley Civic Centre Bromley Worked laco to honour R A F Biggin Hill ;oromioy oapust uiuircn i Bromley Baptist Church prorTuoy Bromley Dromwy Bromley vvoooon fUiucKj piciijuu a nam es Brass plaquo 3 names !
Bromley United Services Club Bromley Bromley -Wooden Plaque The Queen's Own R W K Regt |
Christchurch Bromley Bromley Bras plaque i Christchurch Bromley Bromley Wooden plaque service and civilians named Foslal. Leslie
St Mark 's Church Bromley Brass Plaque to Leslie Fostal killed at KUT !
Holy Trinity Church Bromley Com m on Bromley Largo M . white stone. Cross with cross stays [
Holy Trinity Church Bromley Common Bromley -marble plaque behind pulpit i
Holy Trinity Church Bromley Common .Bromley Window ? Hubbard. Adrian George
St Mark's Church Bromley -Brass Plaque to Adrian G. Hubbard died in «—^n.i ...................... ...It......... j
Police Roll of Honour Bromley Bromley Largo wooden plaque. [Queen Anne A v. Memorial land Beckenham/Bromley Bromley Plaque and landscaped a Place of War-time [Soam es, Eric [
St Mark’s Church Bromley Brass Plaque to Sub Lt Eric Soemes RN !
St Andrew's Church Bromley Bromley [Wooden plaque •
St Andrews Church Bromley Bromley Brass ? Plaque to Phillip SO LBE |
St Augustine's Parish Church Bromley Southborough Bromley [Wooden plaque (broken) i
St John the Evangelist Bromley Bromley [plaque to officer (yot to be soon?) i
St John the Evangelist Bromley Bromley [Brass plaque m any nam os ?? •
St John the Evangelist Bromley :Bromley [Window replaced in 1951 memory of 2nd Lt [
St John the Evangelist Bromley .Bromley Brass plaque 19 names i
St Luke's Bromley Common [Bromley W W 1 W W 2 names carved Into support pillars.
St Lu k o 's Parish Church Bromley Com m on Bromley Cross with the figure of Christ + Crimea tablet
St Mark 's Church Bromley South Bromley Celtic typo cross (concrete ?| j
St Mark 's Church Bromley South Bromley • Large wooden plaque i
St Mary 's Plaistow [Plaistow, Bromley Bromley Brass plaque in memory Sorg P.L. SO LBE |
St Mary 's Plaistow i Plaistow, Bromley Bromley Wooden plaque 18 " by 36 " approx, many names: i
St Peter and St Paul Church Bromley Bromley white stone pillar on plinth
St Peter and St Paul Church Bromley Bromley [Window set of Three i
St Peter and St Paul Church [ Bromley Bromley .plaque to rebuilding after bombing & window [
Trinity United Reform Church Bromley Bromley Brass plaque 5 names
Trinity United Reform Church Bromley Bromley 2 brass and wood plaques :
St Luke's Cemetery Magpie Hall Lane Bromley -Seat dedicated to all killed by enemy action
St Martin of Tours [Chelsfield Chelsfield metal plaque & window [
Chislehurst Common Oak Chislehurst Common Chislehurst Oak planted by Local Residents 1982 [
Methodist Church [Chislehurst Chislehurst marble plaque 6 names
Methodist Church Chislehurst Chislehurst framed paper scroll to survivors who join [
Methodist Church Chislehurst Chislehurst marble (type?) plaque 10 names :
St Mary’s R.C. Church Chislehurst Chislehurst Wooden plaque [
St Mary 's R.C. Church Chislehurst Chislehurst Wooden plaque [Tho Church of Annunciation [Chislehurst Chislehurst Screen ie partition between alter and [The Church of Annunciation 'Chislehurst Chislehurst framed explanation of screen with 56 namas [
RNVR Crystal Palace Crystal Palace Boll ond lychgate type cover.
St Peter and St Paul Cudham Cudham large stained glass window
St Mary The Virgin Downe village D ow no Brass plaque on Organ
St Mary The Virgin Village Downe Brass Plaque. W W 1 . 2 0 names ;
St Mary the Virgin Downs Downs Plaque to Capt R .A .STAFF and two lost after [
St Mary The Virgin Downe Village Downe Brass Plaque. W W 2. 9 Names
Beckenham A F S [Elmers End Cemetery Elmers End M . to 21 A F S Firomcn Elmars End Cernotcry 1 Elmers End Cemetery Elmers End CWGC Cross and sword of sacrifice 1
Elmers End Free Church [Elmers End Elmers End [W ood ?. black 12+1 names [Percy Jones fTwinlock) Ltd [
St James Elmers End :Elmers End Brass plaque to 14 employees |
St James Church [Elmers End Elmers End largo plaque o/s church also mentions Civilians I |
St James of Elmer End ’ Cnnt tirnnt Duff [Elmers End Parnhnf minh Elmers End PnfnhftrAiinh Brass plaque to Twlnlock employees : r%HHition fn AAfliAP rrntt; Unit A M ^ firnnf Duff • :Fox-Pitt-Lubbock Farnborough r o i i H / v i u u y i i Farnborough m u i u u i i o a u i Q i v i u o a n o n n iwi v j i o i h u u i i addition to earlier Cross for Harold KIA 1915 • w i v i i i u a i l i a n u u u i i • r «imuurougn 1Farnborough m riiDorougn Farnborough siono pitKjiJos o/l narnus vrvvc Stone pillar cross and individual named plaques : V A D Hospital Farnborough [
Farnborough Methodist Farnborough Plaque to use as V A D Hospital [Durrant, Tom V.C. [Vino Road School Groon Stroot Brass plaque to Tom Durrant V C :
St Mary's [Groon Street Groon Groon Stroot wooden plaque 39 + 1 + 1 names
St Mary 's Church Green Street Groen Groon Street Pulpit, brass plaque confirm s given by parish St Mary's Church [Green Stioet Groen Green Street 2 Wooden Plaque 39+1 + 1& 2 8 namos I
S t M a ry 's Church Green Stroot Green Groan Street Hymn Boord In M e m of Lt F. CU BITT :
Blackheath Harriers [Hayes Hayoe Wooden plaque [
Hayes Village Hall Hayes Hayes Hall. Foundation stone recalls the info. :
St Mary the Virgin Church ......... ......... Hayes brass plaque to Midshipman N.Harris
St Mary the Virgin Church [Hayes Hnye3 C W G C C cross and sword of Sacrifice i
Keston Parish Church Koston Keston 2 memorials. [
Knockholt Village Memorial Knockholt Church Knockholt Stone plinth type memorial 25 + 17 namos 1
All Saints Church Orpington Orpington memorial both wars [All Saints Churchyard Orpington Orpington Cross of Sacrifice in Canadian Corner 88 ChisLehurst Rd School Perry Hall Rd School Orpington largo wooden plaque 2 4 0 + names [Christchurch Orpington Charterhouse Orpington Memorial Book Homo Guard Looks Bottom Orpington plaque to where 52 Kont Batt unit stood down N AG LO [Museum , Orpington Orpington Plaque to 3 members of Library
Orpington Baptist Church Orpington Station Rd. Orpington 2 Brass plaques 28 names & 5 names i
St Olave's Orpington Orpington Loather bound books as Roll of Honour .
St Olave's Orpington Orpington Statue and brass plaque 192 + ? names [
St Paul's Church Crofton Orpington Lychgate. 8+17 namos
V A D Orpington Orpington Halls Orpington Plaque to use of original hall as V A D Hospital
Holy Trinity Church Penge Penge Stone cross .rongo oapiisi unuren :
Pongo Baptist Church Penge Penge Penge Penge Wooden Cross 4 names of local Scouts Wooden plaque 18 names
Pongo Congregational Church Penge Penge Wooden plaque part of Organ and room •
Waterman's AlmsHouses Penge [Penge Plaque on Pillar stating restored as a Memorial ;
Petts Wood Memorial Gardens Petts Wood Petts Wood RBL Remembrance garden [
Pelts Wood Memorial Hall Petts Wood Petts Wood [Community Hall -
St Andrews Church St Mary Cray St Mary Cray Wooden plaque many names ;
St Mary Cray County School St Mary Cray junior St Mary Cray wood and copper plaque 15 names I
St Mary 's Church St Mary with St Paulinus St Mary Cray Wooden plaque with gold loitering [
St Mary’s Church St Mary with St Paulinus St Mary Cray Window to all who lost their lives
St Paulinus St Mary 's Church St Mary Cray Plaque 17 names. moved from Redundant ch • W . Joynson & Sons
Village hall St Mary Cray marble plaque listing all who served
W . Nash Paper Mills St Paul’s Cray St Paul’s Cray marble plaque listing all who served [
St Francis of Assisi West Wickham W ost stone plaque to Sub/Lt ALEN [
St Francis of Assisi West Wickham W ost framed photo of a memorial I
St John the Baptist West Wickham W ost Graves and memorial to 8 Firemen 1
St John tho Baptist West Wickham W est Long Wooden memorial [
St Mary of Nazareth West Wickham W ost Window with 14 names list