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Bromley Borough Local History Society



Publications and Other Items for Sale !

Over the years, the Society has published or helped publish a number of books and CDs/DVDs, most of which are still available. Some back copies of our quarterly journal, Bromleag, are also available and you can download many older issues FREE
here !

At most of our regular monthly meetings, a bookstall is available where Society items and other books may be purchased at very moderate prices. 

For more information about what is available, why not come along to the next meeting and have a look?

Alternatively, get in touch with our Publications Officer, David Fergusson, who can be contacted on

A History of Keston by Tudor Davies. A comprehensive story of the Kent village with many pictures and maps, some in colour. 

200 pages    £8 at meetings or £10.50 (inc. p&p) direct or via eBay.

The last book to be written by the late Patricia Knowlden, West Wickham Fields and Farmers  is both a history book and a walking guide. 

First it traces the history of all the farms and the people who worked the land in West Wickham from earliest times to the end of the 20th century. Then each farm has its own walking guide.

A full review appeared in the March 2013 edition of Bromleag. 
Cost £8 at meetings or plus 1.50 p&p direct.

To read a tribute to Patricia, please click here.
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