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Bromley Borough Local History Society

BBLHS Videos

Videos of visits and events

Although we generally only take still photographs when on trips, there are some occasions for which a moving image can be helpful. And there are always special events!

Double click on the video to see it screen size - press your ESC key to return to normal. To see it again, click on the Replay button (bottom left).

Note: at the end of a film you may be offered random YouTube videos - sorry about that!
The  Stone House

We visited this unusual building on Tuesday 3rd July 2012. This short video was taken in the back garden and ends with a view towards Canary Wharf.

For more pictures, 
Crofton Roman Villa

Our visit here was on Friday 14th May 2010 as part of a trip the museum at Orpington Priory and to Roman remains in the area.  This video gives a general idea of what has been excavated. 

For more pictures,

High Elms Estate

This now public park was toured by us in June during the soggy summer of 2012. This is a very short video.

For more pictures, click here

Royal Visit

On 15th May 2012, as part of the Queen's diamond jubilee celebrations, she and Prince Phillip visited central Bromley. 
Four minute video on the left, nine minute version on the right.
Keston Countryside Day

This annual event, here pictured on 8th July 2012 is normally attended by BBLHS, and the Ravensbourne Morris Men.

Take you pick!
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