BBLHS Meetings

Meetings of the BBLHS

Unless otherwise stated, we meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.45 pm in the Church Hall, St. George's Church in Bickley Park Road, BR1 2BE. There is a small car park accessed via St. George's Road and free street parking in the area . Buses 162 and 269 pass the door and Bickley station is a few minutes walk.

Access is on the flat and disabled toilets are available. Tea and coffee are normally provided at meetings.

For a map and more information, go to Where We Meet.

Non-members of all ages are very welcome to join us. You are invited to make a contribution of £2 towards the cost of the meeting (£1 for Members).

Tuesday 7th May - 7.45 in the Church Hall

St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Planned speaker unable to attend due to transport strike - an alternative is being arranged and will be advised as soon as possible.

Tuesday 4th June - 7.45 in the Church Hall

St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Czech Refugees in Chislehurst and surrounding areas 

Joanna Friel

Tuesday 2nd July - 7.45 in the Church Hall

St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

National Trust sites

A talk about Petts Wood and St. John Jerusalem at Sutton-at-Hone.

Nathalie Cohen

Tuesday 6th August - 7.30 ZOOM meeting (Not in the hall!)

Two Gentlemen of Keston

Tudor Davies

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