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Bromley Borough Local History Society

BBLHS meetings

Meetings of the BBLHS

Unless otherwise stated, we meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.45 pm in the Church Hall, St. George's Church in Bickley Park Road, BR1 2BE. There is a small car park accessed via St. George's Road and free street parking in the area . Buses 162 and 269 pass the door and Bickley station is a few minutes walk.

Access is on the flat and disabled toilets are available. Tea and coffee are normally provided at meetings.

For a map and more information, go to Where We Meet.

Non-members of all ages are very welcome to join us. You are invited to make a contribution of £2 towards the cost of the meeting (£1 for Members).

Tuesday 1st April - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Railway Rivalry - Edward Watkin and James Staats Forbes  (Postponed from January)

The story of these two competing chairmen of the South Eastern Railway and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway which led to the proliferation of lines in Kent and serious financial problems for both companies.

                                                                                                  Nick Reynolds

Tuesday 6th May - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Members' Evening

Following the very successful and oversubscribed Members' Evening last September, another chance for you to meet and hear from fellow members who have something to tell us about our Borough.

Tuesday 3rd June - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Sign Here 


How famous local people are commemorated (blue plaques, pub signs, monuments, etc.) and also town and village signs. 

Jerry Dowler

Tuesday 1st July - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

The Way Forward for Bromley’s Historic Collections 

As our speaker is part of the team looking into the future of the Borough's archives and museum collection, to which the Society has contributed some suggestions, we hope to hear good news!

Janet Owen

Tuesday 5th August - 7.30 via ZOOM (do not come to the Hall)

“Kent and the Second World War”

A talk about Kent's place in the war time front line including the Battle of Britain and the importance of Biggin Hill in its sucess.

Dr Martin Watts 

Tuesday 2nd September - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

Members' Evening

Your chance to tell your fellow members about any research you are doing, or artefacts you have discovered which are of local(ish) interest. Please let us know what you wish to do or ask for advice on how and what to present by contacting Mike Marriott.

Tuesday 7th October - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

The history of our local hospitals

One of our medical members will tell us about the PRUH (Farnborough) and Orpington hospitals.

Dr Adrian Thomas

Tuesday 4th November - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

To be confirmed

Tuesday 2nd December - 7.45 in Church Hall, St. George's Church, Bickley Park Road

A Transport of Delight

The development of bus services in Bromley.

Cllr. Nicholas Bennett

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