To make this site more useful for local historians and anyone else interested in finding out more about the history of the London Borough of Bromley and the surrounding area, this page has been created and will be expanded over time. If you have any suggestions for additions, please let us know.
Most of the documents are freely available on-line but have been grouped here for convenience into four main areas: those about some or all of the Borough, books about Kent which frequently contain references to the Bromley area, and books about London having a particular emphasis on the south east suburbs. Finally, there is "Other" which is self-explanatory. The choice of category is not always obvious but we have tried to adopt a common-sense approach. Listing is by actual or assumed publication date.
To read a book in pdf
format, just click on an underlined title to open it. Although some of the largest files have been compressed (with some reduction of quality) others are still quite large so may take a while to display. You can then scroll through them or save to your device.
Most books are searchable by using Ctrl + F (or Command + F) and typing in your key word.