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Bromley Borough Local History Society

Local History Collection

Local History Booklet Collection

After its foundation in 1974, the Society undertook to publish a series of articles often around a central theme which were then collected into small booklets, ten in all, which were published between 1976 and 2000.

The books enjoyed considerable success and copies can still be found for sale, at inflated prices, on the internet. In 2001 a CD was issued containing all the booklets which were specially scanned for the purpose.  But after more than twenty years since the last of this series of publications was issued in paper-back form,  and with the change in technology which have occurred since, it has been decided to make these booklets available on the BBLHS website using the original CD scanned files.

The booklets and articles which you can download and study are as they were written and printed at the time. Nevertheless, they remain as relevant and informative as when they first appeared and can now be enjoyed by a wider audience. We hope you will find them of great interest. They are searchable using Control or Command F.

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