Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
Keston Common Walk - Tuesday 21st June 2022
Under the expert guidance of Tudor Davies, a long-time Keston resident and BBLHS vice-chairman, seventeen members and friends made their way from Westerham Road car park around part of the Common and learnt a lot more about the place and the people who have lived and worked here over hundreds of years. A pleasantly warm and sunny day.
Click on a picture for a larger version, use the small arrows either side to see more.
Our competant and entertaining guide, Tudor, complete with a PA system being used for the first time.
A map of the Common and some of the animals to be seen if you are lucky.
Intrepid members (and dog) set off on thier guided tour towards the gravel pits created by William Pitt the Younger to build a new Westerham Road around Holwood in 1789.
Information board about some of the sites to be seen on the Common.
A view of the old school house from across the Common, near the concrete cricket pitch.
The old school, which saw its first pupils in in 1858 and the last in 1974. Since then it has been used by a number of organisations but has now been turned into up-market apartments.
A plaque celebrating one of the organisations which used the building after the school closed.
The Old Mill House, the original building on the left and a later addtion nearest the camera. The mill itself was largely obscured by a hedge and trees.
Opposite the mill is the Keston War Memorial, erected in 1920.
Close to the war memorial is a more recent addition listing the names of Keston residents who died in the War but were not included on the original memorial.
A boggy valley once used by Charles Darwin in his study of carniverous plants, currently suffering from lack of moisture.
The middle pond, next to Fishponds Road.