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Bromley Borough Local History Society

Beckenham and Kelsey Walk

A walk through Beckenham and Kelsey Park

Thursday 25th May 2023

Under the expert guidance of Mel Mitchell, more than a dozen members set off from Beckenham Green to Kelsey Park and returned via Crease Park to the town centre. After an introduction to the history of land holdings in the area, we entered St. George's churchyard to see the family vault of the Cater family, one of the biggest land owners. We then passed the alms houses opposite the old fire station, public hall and manor house, all of which have somewhat changed their functions since they were built!

We continued down the hill, over the bridge under which the Beck "river" flowed and fed the pond in the grounds of Beckenham Manor house (and sometimes flooded the area) before continuing through Kelsey Park (with a short break for lunch) and then out on to Stone Park Avenue. We then stopped at Crease Park before walking back down the old path which is now Kelsey Lane.

Although Mel did his best to explain the how the land was held, sold and developed over the years, it may be helpful to have a look at his Beckenham History which includes many maps. For some additional photographs and information about Kelsey Park, have a look at our walk in 2011.

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