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Bromley Borough Local History Society

Horsburgh's Bromley Companion

"Horsburgh's Bromley" Companion

As part of the work made possible with money left by former member Jean Tresize, the Society arranged for a copy of E.L.S Horsburgh's 1929 book "Bromley From the earliest times to the present century" to be scanned and made available to a wider public. But this is not the standard, published volume, but one with a mass of additions and corrections by the local historian in Bromley at the time, William Baxter.

In the files listed below you will find first the Bromley Companion. This is a summary of all the changes made by Baxter - with his handwriting transcribed for easy reading and searching. This has been created from the scanned pages following many hours of work and which we hope will be of great interest to everyone who already has a copy of the original book. The additional notes and pictures, interesting as they are, will make much more sense if you can refer to the original to which it is indexed.

There are often copies of the book available for sale, on eBay and elsewhere, but if you do not have a copy or wish to see the original changes made by Baxter, you can download individual chapters as required by clicking on the appropriate link below.

The files are stored in "pdf" format. Programs to read the files can be downloaded for free from the 'Web.

To Open the file,  simply click on the "Bromley Companion"  below and you can then read or save the file as you wish.
If you are unable to find a copy of the book, or you want to see Baxter's original notes, you can click on and download the individual chapters of the annotated Horsburgh book as required. Just hover over one of the pictures below and make your choice. 
Please note the files vary in size but some (particularly Chapter 10) are quite large and may take a moment to display, depending on your connection speed. 
All this information is provided free of charge whether or not you are a Society member and we hope you will find it useful.
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