Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
A external view of the nave and north transept. The undecorated wall just visible below the "fleche" was planned as a north aisle.
The font, not the original but bearing wartime bullet scars.
Although, geographically it faces almost due north, the East Window, paid for by Lady Scott in memory of her her husband Sir Edward, the owner of Sundridge Park, is the most dramatic. The previous window was moved to the north transept.
Members of BBLHS, with their knowledgeable guide and former church warden Mary Hardcastle, examine the highly decorated chancel and the East Window and reredos. The organ pipes are just visible on the right.
A stained glass windows depicting the Adoration of the Magi.
A view of the chancel .
A stained glass windows with the turning of water into wine at the wedding at Cana.
The huge original Vicarage, on the south side of the Church, was built in 1886. It remained in use as such until 1942 when a smaller property was purchased in London Lane and the building became Church House, available for meetings and other church related activities.