Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
Bootmaker Mr Leach outside his Bromley shop demonstrates his new bike in 1912.
In the same year Madam Alderson of Orpington with her 2 ¾ h.p Douglas cycle which helped her get to her various sporting activities.
Mr James, an Opington grocer.
A "Beckenham reader" of The Motor Cycle with his homemade sidecar and, presumably, his trusting family in July 1913.
With the Great War underway, Mr Wood, a Bromley baker had a Phelon & Moore cycle which he used during the week to deliver his bread and confections whilst on Sunday, he could replace the box with a cane sidecar to carry an injured soldier.
Another shopkeeper, Mr. Hunt of West Wickham, seen here in August 1916 with his powerful Rover bike and its large capacity sidecar.
Our thanks to Alan for these interesting photos.