Strong started his printing business in 1857 in Bromley High Street on the northern
corner of the White Hart coaching inn, now the site of modern shops, the location
remembered today by the nearby White Hart Slip, leading into the shopping centre. In
1865 the business moved to 14 Market Square, on the east side. In addition to the
Bromley Record, Edward Strong started publishing local street directories of Bromley
and surrounding areas from 1866 which continued into the 20th century. From 1867
these included a two-inch to the mile map of the area. He authored A History of
Bromley in 1858 (price 3s -15p), although it was largely based on previous histories with
a little updating of recent events.
Born in 1809 in Hampshire, he died aged 66 on 20th September 1875 knowing his paper, with a circulation approaching 4000 a month had been a great success. This was bequeathed to his widow Elizabeth and family members. She died, aged 75, on 12th December 1879 at 37 Freelands Road and the eldest son, Thomas Edward, became sole proprietor until his death on 7th March 1886, aged 51. Both Edward and Thomas Strong were buried in the same grave in Bromley Parish Church. The picture was lablelled Mr & Mrs Edward Strong and family but it is not entirely cleare who they all are.
Publication of the Bromley Record by E. Strong and Sons continued until 1902 when the
rights were sold to a print-works in Sherman Road. Subsequently taken over by a larger
publishing group, the final issue was in December 1913.