Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
Biggin Hill Chapel and Museum - Wednesday 13th July 2022
At the invitation of Pam Preedy and her husband John, both keen supporters of the Museum, the Society visited these buildings on the site of the famous WW2 fighter station at the south end of the Borough, now a commercial airport.
The first memorial chapel was built in 1943 to commemorate the shooting down of 1000 enemy aircraft and to honour those who died defending the country. Sadly, the wooden structure was destroyed by fire in 1946 but an active fundraising campaign allowed a new, more permanent building to be opened in 1951.
In 2019, after more than two years work, a commemorative museum was opened to complement the purpose and story of the adjacent chapel. More information about our visit can be found in Bromleag.
The interior of the Biggin Hill Memorial Chapel dedicated to St. George.
Memorial board and the flags of the pilots' nations.
The Altar
One of the stained glass windows, this one representing St. George, others marking the individual squadrons who flew from Biggin Hill.
Window inscription detail.
The Maastricht stone sent by the Netherlands as a post-war thank you to the RAF for dropping food parcels at the most critical time.
A "Scramble" bell similar to ones used at Biggin Hill to alert pilots for an immediate take-off.
The story of the Nightingale cafe which served the wartime residents of the airfield.
One of the story boards about life inside and outside the areodrome during the War.