With our very knowledgeable guide and Vice Chairman, Michael Rawcliffe in the lead, more than a dozen Members assembled in Bromley, outside the Baptist Church, built in 1865 in response to the growing population of Bromley. Much of this growth was and continued to occur in the area bounded by Tweedy Road, Sherman Road, Freelands Road and Widmore Road, then known as Bromley New Town. Although it might seem unlikely that new things of interest could be found so close to the town centre, even long-time locals were surprised by what there was to be seen!
This included Palace Road with its eclectic mix of housing styles and discrete Wharton Road with its small playground and car park, a hundred years ago the site of a mixed school and in the 1950s the location of the Art College's Department of Building! Then past five pubs, mysterious Freelands Hall, another hall (now used by a charity) with a foundation stone laid by the beneficent but unnamed Lady Scott and into Freelands Road. Here small and large houses, and those in-between lie almost side-by-side. We then returned past the site of a United Dairies dairy and back into Park Road passing St. Johns and concluding our tour at the former furniture depositary lurking behind the large houses lining the road, and now itself converted to housing.
Our thanks to Michael for another fascinating tour which was enjoyed by all, despite raising more questions than answers. There is definitely a need for someone to investigate the history of this area in much more detail! Any volunteers?
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