Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
The Society issues a quarterly magazine called Bromleag (an old spelling of the town name but pronounced the same way), free to members, covering original research, reminiscences, meeting talks, news and features on a wide range of historical subjects and areas of the Borough. The most recent cover pictures below are illustrative of the content of each issue, a copy of which can be purchased from the Society or may be seen at local libraries within the Borough.
Articles and pictures for inclusion in Bromleag are always welcomed by the editor. Please note that each contributor is responsible for the content of their article and copyright remains with the original author, but the right is retained to edit any contribution to fit within the constraints of the journal's format.
Some examples of the magazine are shown below but for free downloadable copies of older Bromleag issues and a full index, go to Resources . If you wish to use the material in your own research, please acknowledge the Society in your work and seek permission of the author via the Society if you wish to publish the material elsewhere.