Bromley Borough Local History Society
Registered Charity
No. 273 963
Bromley Borough Local History Society
Why Join ?
The Society was formed in 1974 so that anyone with an interest in any part of the Borough of Bromley could meet to exchange information and learn more about its history now most of its constituent parts had moved from Kent into Greater London.
History is continually being made and at the same time destroyed, buildings are altered or demolished, memories fade and people pass away, records get burnt or thrown in the bin. We aim, in co-operation with the local history library, museums and other relevant organisations to make sure at least some of this history is preserved for future generations.
Meetings are normally held at 7.45 pm on the first Tuesday of each month from September to July in St. George's Church Hall in Bickley Park Road (see here for details). There is parking available, bus services nearby and facilities for the disabled.
In addition to a reduced cost for meetings and excursions, Members receive a copy of Bromleag magazine four times a year with articles on the history of various parts of the Borough together with news and details of additional events.
The Cost
Subscriptions are payable annually on 1st January to the Membership Secretary. Charges are as follows:
Individual £10.50
Couple £12.00
Corporate Membership £12.00
Memberships commencing on or after 1st July are half these rates.
Membership from outside the UK is welcome but please add £5.00 to your subscription to help towards the cost of the magazine postage.
How To Join or Renew Membership
To apply for Membership of the Society or to renew your Membership, please click on the button below.
Alternatively, why not come along to the next meeting and if you like us, you can join there !
Payment details are included on the application/renewal pages but if you find you need the information again:
Our Bank Account is "Bromley Borough Local History" Sort Code: 60-16-03 Account No: 7381 0835
Our PayPal account is "*
Or post a cheque to the Membership Secretary.