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Bromley Borough Local History Society

Peek Frean Biscuit Factory

Visit to Peek Frean Biscuit Factory - 9th July 2024

On yet another dull and damp day, 14 members of the Society made their way to the former Peek Frean biscuit factory in Bermondsey. The first factory was opened in 1857 in Mill Street but, after a disastrous fire in 1873, all production moved half a mile to the newer (1866) Drummond Road site by the railway to London Bridge, where it remained until 1989. Although James Peek and George Frean were the founding partners, the reputation of the company depended very much on the innovative skills of Frean's friend John Carr who was brought in to run the business. Visitors to the museum can obtain, free of charge, a comprehensive booklet about the company and its often forward thinking and enlightened employment policies.

Today, many of the old buildings have been converted for use by a range of service industries and work continues to extend and modernise the site. The museum is housed within one of the "newer" buildings and we were welcomed by volunteer Frank, a former employee and company fireman, whose wide knowledge of Peek Frean meant he could answer all our questions. At the end, we were able to study the three room of exhibits whilst munching on biscuits once made by Peek Frean and now by its successor company.

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