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Bromley Borough Local History Society


Please answer the questions below as fully as possible -  the first three, marked *, are mandatory, - and then press the Send button when you have finished. The more information we get, the better!

Note that this information is completely anonymous unless you choose to add your details.

BBLHS Survey - 2019 is now closed - thank you to those who took part.

Local historic sites
Local walks
Visits involving some travel out of the Borough
Shows, fairs or other events where BBLHS have a stall
I enjoy the events and join in when I can
They are on the wrong days or times for me
I could come but they don't interest me
I am happy for Society funds to be used for this purpose
I do not want Society funds to be used for this purpose
Written articles for publication in Bromleag
Spoken at a BBLHS meeting about my research
Had it published/spoken about it elsewhere
Not ready yet/just for my own interest
I have some material but not sure what to do with it
I am happy with the format
I enjoy the mix of content
I would you like to receive an electronic copy by email
At least once a month
Only once or never

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