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Bromley Borough Local History Society

Keston 1911 Census Summary

Keston 1911 Census Summary

Jessup Mr 1 2 Leove's Green, Gate House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bishop Mr 3 5 Leove's Green 1 New Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Potter Mr 3 2 Leove's Green 2 New Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Boover Mr 5 4 Leove's Green 3 New Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Little 2 2 Leove's Green Bradmore Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dudin Mrs 1 2 Leove's Green Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Neves Mr 1 6 Leove's Green Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Jones Mr 2 2 Leove's Green Lime Kiln Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Brown Mr 1 2 Blackness Lane Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mortlock Mr 1 1 Blackness Lane Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cresswell Mr 1 2 Blackness Farm Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Martin Mr 1 1 The Hunts Blackness Farm Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Allison Mr 1 1 The Hunts Blackness Farm Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Miles Mr 1 1 Blackness Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Allen Mrs 2 2 Blackness Farm Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Horwood Mr 3 1 Blackness Farm Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Crane Mr 2 1 Rectory Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Johnson Reverend 1 2 The Rectory Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cairns Mr 1 2 Keston Court Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Boosey Mr 2 7 Kinghton Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington

Gooch Mr 1 2 The Lodge Kingston Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Taylor Mr 5 2 The School House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Parsons Mr 1 1 1 Botany Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Valentine Mr 2 3 2 Botany Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Payne Mr 2 5 Mill House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Walker Mr 2 1 1 Montles Hole Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Sorgent 2 1 2 Montles Hole Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hardford Mr 1 1 3 Montles Hole Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wilson Mr 1 3 Holwood Sarn Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Curd Mr 1 5 Holwood Sarn Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Luck Mr 1 2 2 Holwood Sarn Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Solman Mr 3 3 Holwood Westerham Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mussell Mr 3 Holwood Bothy Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Gates Mr 1 3 Holwood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Quinell Mr 1 3 Holwood BeckfoRoad's Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Evans Mr 2 3 Bower's Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pilbeam Mr 3 1 Holwood OrchaRoad Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Barley Mr 1 1 GoRoaden Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Bird Mr 2 2 Holwood Poynters Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Head Mr 1 2 Holwood Keston Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
E Bird Mr 2 2 Holwood GaRoaden Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wraight Mr 1 2 30 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pulling Mr 2 1 28 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Qulint Mr 3 1 26 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Kimber Mr 2 2 24 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Woodward Mr 2 2 22 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Deacon Mr 1 3 20 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Buller Mr 5 4 18 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Payne Mr 1 2 16 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Masters Mr 3 1 14 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Apps Mr 4 6 12 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Gutt Mr 1 2 10 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Durmall Mr 5 1 8 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Green Mr 3 2 6 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Batres Mr 3 1 4 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Heffernan Mr 1 1 2 Lake's Rood Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington

Cunnington Mr 1 1 5 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Brackon Mr 3 2 7 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Baker Miss 3 9 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Crane Mr 2 3 11 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Chamberlain Mr 1 1 13 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Skinner Mr 2 1 15 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Herman Mr 3 3 17 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Chese Mr 3 3 19 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dennord Mr 1 2 21 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Sceal Mr 5 3 23 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dalton Mr 2 2 25 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Kill Mrs 1 1 27 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pring Mr 1 1 29 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Lettington Mr 2 1 31 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Coward Mr 2 2 33 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
May Mr 1 2 35 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Welch Mr 2 1 37 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Corter Miss 1 37 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Spicer Mr 1 1 40 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Martin Mr 1 5 38 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Forge Mr 2 3 36 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Winter Mr 2 3 34 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Ewins Mr 1 2 32 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Payne Mr 2 32 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Blake Mr 1 3 32 Lake's Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wright Mr 1 1 The Stables Hollydale Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wright Mr 2 12 Hollydale Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Stevens Mr 1 4 Fern Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cowell Mr 4 3 2 Old Nook Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Scott Mr 3 3 1 Harold Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Raynham Mrs 1 1 2 Harold Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hadden Mr 1 3 Red Cross Inn Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Woodgate Mr 2 2 1 Holly Lodge Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Feight Mr 1 2 Holly Lodge Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Sawyer Mr 2 5 The Poplars Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Craster Doctor 2 8 Keston House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Herbert Mr 1 3 1 Keston Villas Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Emmett Mr 2 2 2 Keston Villas Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Hills Mr 1 1 1 The Avenue Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Simpson Mr 1 2 2 The Avenue Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Payne Mr 6 3 3 The Avenue Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Howden Mr 6 2 4 The Avenue Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Smith Mr 4 2 5 The Avenue Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Perry Mr 3 3 Cosy Nook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
G Cheal Mr 1 1 1 Margaret Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Milner Mr 1 1 2 Margaret Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington

Levard Mr 5 3 3 Margaret Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Jackson Mr 1 1 1 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
A Wolf Mr 3 1 2 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Field Mr 1 1 3 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
A E Wolf Mr 1 3 4 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Ansell Mr 1 1 5 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Everson Mr 1 6 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Sawyer Mr 2 3 7 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hoslett Mr 2 2 Phoenix House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Manson Mr 1 2 8 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Hills Mr 1 1 9 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bain 1 2 10 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Warren Mr 1 1 11 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Wolf Mr 1 2 12 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Tulett Mr 7 2 13 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Stevens Mrs 1 2 14 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pattenden Mr 2 2 15 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Barker Mr 2 1 16 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Jarvis Mr 3 5 17 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Hills Mr 1 2 18 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Andrews Mr 2 2 19 Prospect Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Beadle Mr 1 1 1 Quiet Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Fossey Mr 2 1 2 Quiet Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Goscoigne Mr 2 1 3 Quiet Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pangbourne Mr 1 1 5 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Payne Mrs 3 1 6 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Barham Mr 2 2 7 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wale Mrs 2 8 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Freakes Mr 3 5 2 Path Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bryant Mr 3 3 1 Path Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Blundell Mr 1 4 Holly Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
White Mr 1 3 Woodlands Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Heosman Mr 1 1 Sunnyside Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cook Mr 1 1 Lower Fields Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Kimpton Miss 4 Lower Fields Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Skinner Mr 2 1 Ravensbourne North Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wheeler-bennch Mr 1 8 Ravensbourne Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wood Mr 1 2 Ravensbourne Louth Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wooding Mr 1 1 The Lodge, Forest Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dodgson Mr 5 Forest Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Quinnell Mr 2 Sherstable, Forest Lodge Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bowen Mrs 1 1 1 Lake Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Walker Mr 2 1 2 Lake Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Ronds Mr 1 1 Park Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Waller Mr 1 1 Park Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Collingwood Mr 2 1 Park Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Heppenstall Mr 1 1 Park Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Squires Mr 1 2 1 Lakes Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Potter Mr 3 3 3 Lakes Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington

Anderson Mr 1 6 South Park Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bough Mr 2 6 South Park Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Gotte Mr 1 2 Leasy Grove Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
March Mr 4 1 Bradfield Stables Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dodgson Mrs 5 Bradfield Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Kimble Mr 1 Fieldhead Stables Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Slessor Mr 3 6 Field Head Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Previti Mr 3 5 Fox Hill House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Chnock Mr 3 3 Fox Hill House Stables Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Freakes Mr 1 2 1 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Buller Mr 2 1 3 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Standen Mrs 1 2 4 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Standen Mr 3 5 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Thomas Miss 1 6 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mosters Mr 1 2 7 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cordock Mr 1 1 8 Chalk Pit Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Allard Mr 4 5 Priors Farm Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hislop Mr 1 1 Holly Lodge Stables Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Allsop Mr 2 1 1 Marle Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Prestney Mr 1 1 2 Marle Cottages Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cheal Mr 2 1 2 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pudan Mrs 1 2 4 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Potts Miss 1 4 LeonaRoad Place Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Arnold Mr 1 1 4 Quint Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Ewins Mr 2 2 5 Quint Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Lettingham Mrs 1 2 6 Quint Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Rothwell Mrs 1 2 6 Quint Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Crane Mrs 3 1 8 Quint Hook Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Ely 2 1 1 Padmill Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Hills Mrs 2 3 2 Padmill Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Marchant Mrs 1 10 Padmill Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Field Mrs 2 2 1 Woodside Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hendy Mrs 2 4 2 Woodside Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Thompson Miss 3 Woodside Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mc Colm Mr 2 3 Olives Mill House Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Beck Mr 1 4 Bay Tree Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bowen Mrs 2 Old Post Office Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Thongood Mr 1 1 Old Post Office Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pinhey Mr 1 2 Old Post Office Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Snell Mr 2 On Keston Common Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Woodward Mr 3 4 On Keston Common Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington

Hill Mrs 1 Sunningdale Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Lawrence Mr 4 1 2 Sunningdale Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Grant Mr 1 1 3 Sunningdale Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Brown Mrs 4 The Suppey Stores Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Borer Mr 2 1 Cyclist's Rest Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Dunmall Mr 2 1 Brier Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Deacon Mr 1 2 Ivy Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
J Gurr Mr 1 1 Ivy Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
A Gurr Mr 2 1 Greyhound Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Purdy Mr 1 2 1 Meadow Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mc Roberts Mr 6 3 2 Meadow Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Barker Mrs 3 The Old Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Isard Miss 1 The Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Swatton Mrs 1 2 Lea Rooms Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Wells Mr 3 3 1 Mostona Terrace Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
August Mr 3 2 2 Mostona Terrace Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Akerman Mr 2 1 3 Mostona Terrace Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Chondler Mr 2 1 4 Mostona Terrace Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bover Mr 2 2 Westerham Road Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Purdy Mr 5 3 Keston Post Office Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Shave Mr 2 2 Corowo Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Garrard Miss 2 Compsie Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Corter Mr 3 2 Somer Leyton Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bouch Mr 2 4 Heatherside Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Mallam Mr 20 11 Heathfield Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Gainsford Mr 1 3 Leafy Grove Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Pring Mr 1 Fabron Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Lovett Mr 2 1 2 Rovensbourne Cttgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Cooper Mr 1 5 2 Grove Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Goymer Mr 2 2 1 Grove Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Bock Mr 1 1 2 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Robinson Mr 1 2 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Donaldson 1 2 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Clark Mr 1 2 1 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Davis Mrs 1 3 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Harradine Reverend 1 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Burrows Mr 3 6 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Hawkings Mr 1 5 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Anderson Mrs 2 8 Heathfield Cottgs Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Boughan Mr 2 2 Livery YaRoad Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Breckon Mr 2 7 Virginia Cottage Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Rogars Mr 3 2 Raymond Cottg Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
Duck Mr 6 5 Fox Inn Keston Keston Kent Bromley Orpington
[end of document]
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