BROMLEY is a market and union town, parish with stations of which are for decayed tradesmen ; and Elizabeth Lascoe,
on the London, Chatham and Dover and South Eastern in 1853,194 Consols, the interest to be applied to the bene-
railways and polling place for the Western division of the fit of tradesmen's widows.
county, situated on the Hastings line of road, through The Town Hall is a brick building, principally in the
Sevenoaks and Tonbridge, near the east bank of the Ravens. Elizabethan style and was erected in the Market place, on
bourne, in the hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, the site of the old Market House, in the year 1865, by the
West Dartford rural deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry and late Colas Child esq. The Hall is 69 feet long by 32 feet wide
diocese of Canterbury and within the jurisdiction of the and 40 feet high from the floor to the internal roof ; under
Metropolitan police (who have a station here) and of the the central portion of the building a market is held on
Central Criminal Court, so miles from London, 14 from Thursday ; at the northern end of the building is the reading
Sevenoaks, 6 south-by-east from Greenwich. room and library of the Literary Institution : the southern
Bromley is partially paved and lighted with gas and end being occupied by the Metropolitan police station : on
governed by a Local Board consisting of twelve members. the ground floor is a branch of the London and County Bank ;
On January ist, 1878, a short line of railway was opened between the Bank and Literary Institution are Messrs.
to this town from the Grove Park station on the London and Baxter, Payne & Lepper's offices.
Tonbridge branch of the South Eastern railway, affording The Cottage Hospital, in Hayes lane, established in 1869 and
direct communication with London bridge, Cannon street supported by voluntary contributions, is under the manage-
and Charing Cross. ment of a committee of twelve persons.
Magistrates' meetings for the Bromley division of the county At the Drill Hall and Gymnasium, in East street, are the
are held at the White Hart hotel, Bromley, every Monday, headquarters of the F. company, 3rd Kent Rifle Volunteers.
except the third Monday in the month, when they are held The manor has belonged from time immemorial to the
at the police station, Chislehurst. Bishops of Rochester and was purchased by Bishop Alfstan
The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient structure in 967 from King Edgar, but disposed of in recent times
of flints, originally in the Perpendicular style, consisting of by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners ; the $ishops had a
chancel, with south chapel, nave, aisles and a low embattled palace here, a plain brick building, rebuilt in 1777 ; here it
tower at the west end containing 8 bells, re-hung by Gillett, was that Bishop Atterbury (1713-23) resided when he was
Bland & Co. Croydon, in 1877: the north aisle was erected visited by Pope and Swift and here formed the plots which
in 1792 at the cost of Dr. Samuel Horsley, then Bishop of eventually led to his exile; his daughter-in-law was afterwards
Rochester : three sides of the church are surrounded with a pensioner at the College ; the palace is now the residence of
galleries, for the erection of which most of the piers and Mrs. Coles Child; in the garden is 0, chalybeate spring,
arches were removed ; in the north wall of the chancel is an called St. Blaize's Well. At Sundridge, one mile north-east
arch of Decorated character, with a triangular canopy, once of the town, remarkable fossils, of the oldest tertiary beds,
enclosing a tomb : there are several brasses, including one are found. The manorial rights are vested in the trustees
to Isabella, -wife of Richard Lacer, Lord Mayor of London, for the son of the late Coles Child esq. who is a minor. The
1361 ; there are also tablets to Dr. Hawkesworth (i773) the principal landowners are Sir Edward Henry Scott bart. J.P.
friend of Dr. Johnson, Dr. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Roches- Mrs. Coles Child, George Warde Norman esq., Rev. F. E.
ter, 1774; Gifford, the biographer of Pitt; Elizabeth Monk,aged LeGrix White, Colonel Long and the Ecclesiastical Com-
101, 1753; and an inscribed stone to Elizabeth,wife of Dr.John. missioners. The area is 4,706 acres ; rateable value, £91,555
son (1753), who wrote her epitaph shortly before his death : population in 1871, 10,764.; and in 1881, r5,153.
in the churchyard, near the vestry door, is buried Martine BROMLEY NEW TOWN' is half a mile east and is becoming a
French and his four wives and at the entrance to the church- thickly populated district.
yard is an ancient lychgate : in 1873 the church was re- ELMSTEAD is a hamlet 2 miles north-east, consisting of a
seated and thoroughly restored, the ancient tower arch few villa residences, in Chislehurst postal delivery. Sundridge
opened, the Norman font restored and a new reredos and Park House, the seat of Sir Edward Henry Scott bart. J.P. is
pulpit introduced ; the total cost of the work was £2,451: a beautiful mansion in the Italian style, situated at the foot
a new organ was erected in 1876 at a cost of £970, by Sir of a declivity, in a well-wooded park.
E. H. Scott hart. J.P. of Sundridge park : there are SOUTHBOROUGH is another hamlet, two miles south-east
1,200 sittings, 25o being free. The register of baptisms from Bromley and half a mile south from Bickley station.
dates from the year 1558 ; burials, 1578 ; marriages, .Parish Clerk, Jabez Wood, Clareville, Ethelbert road.
'575. The living is a vicarage, yearly value of the endow- WIDMORE is a hamlet and village, one mile east from
ment being L15o (increased by fees and Easter offerings), Bromley and half a mile west from Bickley station. Here
with 71 acres of glebe, gross income L500, with house, in are brick, pot and tile works.
the gift of the Bishop of Worcester and held since 1865 by BROMLEY COMMON Ecclesiastical District extends for about
the Rev. Arthur Gresley Hellicar M.A. of Wadham College, two miles on the main road to Sevenoaks and embraces the
Oxford. southern portion of Bromley parish, including Shooting
The iron church of St. John the Evangelist, Park road, was common and part of Southborough. The district was formed
opened as a chapel of ease to the parish church in 1872. It in 1843 from the mother parish. The church of the Holy
will seat 800, all seats being free. Trinity is a Gothic building of flint, with stone dressings and
Here are places of worship for Congregationalists, Baptists consists of nave and transepts and a tower containing r
and Wesleyans and a meeting house • for The Brethren., A bell. The register dates from the year 1843. The living is
Congregational chapel, situated in the Widmore road, was a vicarage, gross yearly value L360, with residence, in the
opened in 1882 by the Rev. C, H. Spurgeon ; it is built of gift of the Bishop of Worcester and held, since 1843, by the
red brick with stone dressings, in the Romanesque style and Rev. Arthur Rawson M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. A
with the schools and lecture rooms has cost nearly £14,000, chapel for Primitive Methodists was erected on Shooting
raised wholly by subscription. The cemetery, opened Oct. common in 1877.
1877, has an area of 5A. IR. 6P. and two mortuaries. Here Parish Clerk, George Gill.
is also a Literary Institute, with a library of 3,700 volumes BICIILEY is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in x866 from
and a good supply of London and provincial newspapers the mother parish of Bromley, a mile and half east from
and periodicals. Bromley and 12 miles from London ; it is cheerfully situated
Bromley College, at the entrance of the town from the and contains many good houses and modern villas and the
London road, was founded and endowed by John Warner park is richly wooded. There are stations at Chislehurst on
D.D. Bishop of Rochester, in x666, for twenty poor widows of the S. E. railway and at Bickley, on the London, Chatham
loyal and orthodox clergymen : by the benefactions of Bishop and Dover line. The church of St. George, built by George
Pearce and his brother William Pearce, Mrs. Betenson, Dr. Wythes esq. is stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of
Walter King, Bishop of Rochester, Mrs. Rose and others, the chancel, nave, aisles, transept and a lofty tower with spire,
funds have been largely increased, so that now forty widows conspicuously seen from Chislehurst station ; there are
have each an allowance of L38 per annum and a separate several stained windows and sittings for 82o. The register
residence. Mrs. Sheppard founded and endowed another dates from the year 1864. The living is vicarage, in the
charity in connection with this, for the benefit of five un- gift of George Wythes esq., who also erected the Vicarage
married daughters of widows who have resided here and house ; the income, with the exception of £5o annual endow-
each pensioner receives £44 per annum and a house rent free. ment, is derived from the pew rents and varies in amount,
John Lascoe bequeathed, in 185o, £2,880 Consols, dividends but averages L60o yearly ; the Rev. George Warburton
Weldon MA. of Trinity College, Cambridge, is the vicar. Canterbury ; it has been erected from designs by Mr. W. R.
Here is a small Wesleyan chapel. Across the road, on the Mallett, architect, at an estimated cost of .42,000, the nave
hill, close to Chislehurst common, is a quaint gate-house having been built in 1864, at a cost of £4,000: a stained
constructed by the owner of Bickley hall, as a water -alawarc Oviticloat has been presented by the Hamilton family and two
for the supply of the estate. The ,principal la'hdbstnet• others by' Major Satterthwaite, as memorials of his two
Geo. Wythes esq. of Bickley Hall. The area is 718 acres ; children ; it is contemplated to build transepts and a tower
the population in 1871 was 623. with spire ; there are sittings for 480, all free. The register
Plaistow half a mile north from Bromley, is an eccle- dates from the year 1864. The living is a vicarage, net
siastical parish, formed in 1864 from the mother parish of yearly value £350' in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter-
Bromley and consists of the two hamlets of PLAISTOW and bury and held by the Rev.Williarn Hodgson M.A. of St. Peter's
FARWIG, together with part of the London road. Here is a College, Cambridge. A vicarage he use is nearly completed.
station on the direct line to Bromley of the South Eastern The principal landowners are Sir E. H. Scott bart. colonel
railway. -The church of St. Mary is a Gothic building of Long and Lord Kinnaird. The Bromley cemetery (conse-
flint, in the Decorated style, with Bath stone quoins' and crated r9th September, 1877) is pleasantly situated on the
facings ; a chancel wax• added in 1881 and consecrated on London road in this district. The area of the district is 656
Saturday, 34th Mal, in that year, by the Archbishop of acres ;the population in 1871'. was 2,234.
Official Establishments Local Institutions, &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Manchester Eire, G. Weeks, 42 High street
Savings Bank & GoVerinterit Annuity & Insurance Office, Norwich Union Fire, G. Pamphilon, 58 High street
High street. Phoenix Fire, J. Harradine, London road
Postmaster—William Hewick. Royal Exchange, J. How, t07 Widmore road
Dispatches to London. at TO a.m. / dr 5 (& general) 9 p.m. Royal Farmers: 4. Genera Fire, Life # Hail, E. Martin,
Cross post to Dover, Maidstone &c.; box closes at 8 p.m.; Market square
deliveries, 7:45 2, xo & 6.36 p.m Sun, Baxter, Payne & Lepper‘ Town hall ; & Latter &Willett,
Watt, Boxes cleared litt Homesdale road, Widmore, Free. Market square
lands road, Park road, Mason's Hill, Bromley lodge, High PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
street, College, Hope park & -Farwig lane Burial Board, East street, J. Bailey, clerk
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPIT OFFICE & Savings Bank, Cemetery, London road, George Huxley, Superintendent
Bickley Railway station — James Thomas Hilder, sub-post- Cottage Hospital,Walter Thomas Beeby M.D. & Herbert James
master. Letters received from London at 7.40 a.m. also Ilott M.E.Inedical officers
'yid Bromley, 2.40 & 7 pan. • dispatched at 9.1$ a.m. 12.8, County Coe" held at the Town hall, J. J. Lonsdale
3.40, 4-50 & 7.50 It M. Sunday 6.30 P.m judge ; Robinson Latter, registrar; Samuel Goddard
POST & MONEY ORDER 01.FICE & Savings Bank, Bromley Atkins, sub-bailiff. The district comprises sixteen
common.—Thomas' Swatton, receiver. Letters arrive parishes, viz t Bromley, Beckenham, Chelsfield, Chisle-
from Bromley at )8 a.m. 2.50 & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9 amt. hurst, Cudham, Downs, Farnborough, Fdots Cray; Hayes;
& 2,5 & 6.30 p,m Kelton, Knockholt, North Cray, Orpington, St. Mary
POST & MONEY Onoma OFFICE & Savings Bank? Mason's Cray, St. Paul's Cray & West Wickham : the Court iS held
hill, Joseph Taylor, receiver. -Dispatched 9.5 a.m. 12.30, every month at the White Hart hotel
4:25 & 8 P.m Inland Revenue Office, Bell hotel, High st. R. Horan, officer
POST OFFICE REM-PING OrncE, -Shooting common.—Hy. Police Station, Town hall, George EastwoOd, resident inspec-
• Wm. Jenkins, receiVerf Letters dispatched to Bromley at tor ; 2 non-resident inspectors ; 2 acting-sergeants 4
9.25 a.m. 4 & 7.3co pars. (no dispatch on sunday) sergeants & 23 men
Stamp Office, no High bt. W. W. Baxter, sub-distributor
LOCAL BOARD. Vollinteer Fire Brigade; Conrad Nickalls, captain; engine
Office:ter-East street house at White Hart hotel, keys at police station
Clerk, Joshua Bailey West Kent (3rd) Rife Volunteers (F CO.), Edward Satter-
Medical Officer, C. 0, Baylis, Tunbridge wells thwaite, rapt. comndnt ; Patrick Morgan, drill instruetr
Surneyor 4. Inspector of Nuisances, Hugh Stowell Cregeen West Kent Main Sewerage Board, R. G. Mullen, sec.; Sir J.
Assistant Inspector„, T, Heayanaan, jun W. Bazalgette C.E. & Alfred Williams C.E. engineers; local
Collector, Charles, Newman offices, West street
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR BROMLEY DIVISION-. Board day, Friday, monthly at the White Hart Hotel.
Alexander R. esq. c.n. Tiolwood, Keaton The Union comprises sixteen parishes—namely, Bromley,
Beamish Lieut.-Col. Halfway street, Bexley Beckenham, Chelsfleld, Chislehurst, Cudham, Downe,
Berens H. H. esq. Chislehurst Farnborough, Foots Cray, Hayes, Keaton, Knockholt,
Berens R. B. esq. ,St, mary Cray North Cray, Orpington, St. Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray &
Chapman W. G. esq. St. Paul's Cray West Wickham. The population of the Fnion in 1881
Colvill Lieut.-Col., Shortlands was 48,924 ; rateable value, £378,143
Devas Charles Frederick esq. Pickhurst, Hayes Clerk to the Guardians, Robert Gordon Mullen, local
Edlinann.F. J. esq. Chislehurst offices, Bromley
Forbes J. S. esq. West Wickham Collectors to the Guardial?s, fiend- has. Rose & Jas. Bates
Goodhart C. E. esq, Beckenham Relieving # Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, Henry James
Haigh F. W. Bickley Rose, tog Farwig lane, Bromley No. 2 district, J. Bates,
Kinnaird Lord, Bromley St. MaRY Cray
Lennart" Lieut.-Col. Sir J. F, hart. Wickham court Medical Officers 4- Public Vaccinators, No. district, E.
Lubbock Sir John hart. M.P. Downe Ilott L.R.C.P. Load. Park road, Bromley ; No. 2 district,
Low S. P. esq. Sydenham W. W. Edwards, Fern lodge, Keaton ; .No. 3 district, C. H.
Martin Richard ,Biddulph esq. M.P. Chislehurst AllfreY M.D. St. Mary Cray ; No. 4 district, J. G. Creasy,
Medley U.. W. esq. Chislehurst Brasted; No: 5 district, E. J, H. Booth, Beckville, Bcknhm
Norman G. W. esq. Bromley common Superintendent Registrar, Robert Gordon Mullen, Local
Pender John esq. M.P. Foots Cray place offices, Bromley ; Deputy, C. M. Smith, Local offices
Scott Sir E. H. bart, Sundridge Park house, Bromley Registra'r of Births 4- DeathA, Bromley sub-district, A. J.
Sydney Earl, Frogual, Chislehurst Rose, tog Farwig lane, Bromley; Deputy, Louis Rossini
Waring William esq. Chelstield Laurnann, Plaistow ; Chislehurst sub-district, 13. Bates, St.
Wi/son C. L. earl. Beckenham Mary Cray ; Deputy, H. Algar, St. Mary Cray
Clerk to the Magistrates R. Latter, Bromley Registrars of Marriages, C. Freeman, Plaistow ; Deputy, A.
Petty Sessions are held at the White Hart hotel, Bromley, Bailey, 37 Palace road, Bromley
every monday .except the third monday in the month, WoRxNouSE, Lock's bottom, Farnborough, T. Fey, master ;
when they are held at the police station, Chislehurst. The Rev. F. T. Percy T.A.It.C.L. chaplain ; E. flout surgeon;
places included in the Bromley Petty Sessional Division Mrs. Fey, matron ; Mrs. E. Smith, school mistress
are the same as in the Union & county court district RURAL SANITARY Al7TRORITY.
Clerk, Robert Gordon Mullen, Bromley
INSURANCE AGENTS. Medical Officer, C. 0. Baylis M.D. Tunbridge *ells
Guardian, Laidlaw k I3o. Mason's hill; & II. J. Rose, 1o9 Inspector ofNuisances, William Street, St. Mary Cray
Kent Fire, E. Isard, / Market square Clerks to Deputy Lieutenant # to Co2nmissioners of Land 4
Lion Fire 4- S. Harris, 6 Simpson's road Assessed Taxes, Latter & Willett, Market place
Clerk to Bromley Highway Board William May, z Adelaide National, Bromley common, erected in 1840, for 190 child-
place, London bridge e.c ren ; average attendance 167; & supported by b. government
Clerk to Burial Board, Joshua Bailey, East street grant ; James Grubb, master ; Mrs. Sarah Grubb, mist
_Inspector of Weights # Measures for Brantley .bivision, National (Bickley & Widmore), Tylner road, erected in
James William Churcher, t9 Simpson's road 1873, for 45o children ; average attendance 290 ; & sup-
Market Toll Collector, Edward Dunn, 20 Market square ported by school fees, voluntary contributions & a grant ;
Surveyor of Taxes, W. J. R. Vivian, Croydon Henry Harlow, master ; Miss Elizabeth Barney, mistress ;
Vespy Clerk # Registrar to the County Court, `R. Latter Miss Louisa Clements, infants' mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of service :- National, Plaistow (mixed), erected in 1874, for 300
SS. Peter 4- Paul's Church, Rev. Arthur G. Hellicar M.A. children ; average attendance 255 4 similarly supported ;
vicar ; Rev. Peter Barker M.A. curate ; i i a.m. 3,15 & 7 Louis Rossini Laumann, master ; Mrs. Julie Laumann,
p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; fri. 1i a.m mistress
Holy Trinity Church, Bromley common, Revs Arthur Rawson Pritish (infants), Pope road, Common, erected in 1874, for
M.A. vicar ; it a.m. & 3 p.m to children ; average attendance 55 ; Miss Ann Fisk,
St. George's, Bickley,Rev. G.W.Weldon M.A. ; II a.m.& 6.3o p.m mistress
St. John's, Chapel of Ease (iron), Park road ; it a.m. & 7 p.m Lnfants, Sundridge park, erected in 1880, fo1 65 children ;
Baptist Chapel, Park road, Rev. A. Tessier, minister ; x 1 a.m. average attendance 34 & supported by a gral; Miss Sarah
& 6.3o p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Ann Hawkins, mistress
Congregational Chapel, Widmore road, Rev. Robert Henry RAILWAY STATIONS.
Lovell, minister; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Bloomfield road, Shooting common ; Masons Hill (L. C. & D. R.), John Maynaid, station master
ix a.m. & 6.3o p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m .L'Vew Bromley (S. E. R.), Geo. John Swann, station master
Wesleyan Chapel, Bickley, x i a.m. & 6.3o p.m.; tues. & fri. Plaistow (S. E. R.), John Ashby Sofia-, station master
7 p.m Bickley (L. C. & D. R.), James Thos. Hilder, station master
Agent to the London, Chatham Dover 4- South Eastern Rail-
Wesleyan Chapel, High st. I i a.m. & 6.3o p.m. ; tues.7 p.m
way Cos. William Lownds, White Hart hotel
Bromley Record, 14 Market square, Strong & Sons, pub- CONVEYANCE.
lishers ; published monthly Omnibus from the White Haiti High street, to Keston,
Bromley Telegraph; 23 Market square, Charles William calling at the L. C. & D. Railway station & /the Crown inn,
Gedney, proprietor & publisher ; published sat Bromley .common, to meet four down & four up trains,
SCHOOLS. daily, according to Company's time tables ; also to Keston
School of Science # Art, Tweedy road, Thos. Davis, hon. sec through Hayes, three times daily ; cabs meet all the
National (Central), near Bromley College, for 700 children, trains
average attendance 58o & snpported by school fees, volun-, â–º CARRIERS.
tary contributions & a government grant ; James Church., LONDON.—Russell & Co. 53 West street, daily, Isunday
hill, master ; Miss Annie Harper, mistress; Miss Elizabeth excepted, returning same day. Als0 Carriers to & from
Churcher, infants' mistress Beckenham, Bickley, Farnborough, • Hayes, Keston &
National (mixed), Mason's hill, erected in 1872, for 180 Shortlands, Calling at the Duke's Head,' High street, daily,
children • average attendance r5o • & supported by school sunday excepted ; George Blundell, N. Hemphrevs & T.
fees, voluntary contributions & a government grant ; Chas. Jeffery, tues. & fri. ; J. Kemp & Soil, daily; E. Quinnell,
Marks Hoare, master ; Miss Jane Longford, infants' mist tues..& fri. even. & wed. & sat. morn.
Bromley. Batten Isaac, Berry-field, Chislehurst Brett 1George Arthur, Itavengbourne rd
For LOWER CAMDEN, see Chiselhurst. road, Bickley Breul Frederick Augustus, 36 Ravens-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS_ Batten James, Highfield, Chislehurst bourne road
ActonSamuel Poole, ioo Widmore road road, Bickley Bridge William, 41 Common
Alcock John, 15 Common Baxter Miss, 41 High street B
ridges Mrs. 18 College road
Alderton Samuel, 48 Bloomfield road
Bayley Edward Henry, 45 Park road
Brimble Miss, i Crescent road, Plaistow
Alfred Drummond, 128 Homesdale road
Beeby Walter Thomas M.D. 57 High st
Brine Thos. Streamlet ho. Mason's hill
Allen Benjamin, 16 Palace grove
Beer Bernhard, Elmwood, Bickley
Brister John 26 Simpson's road
Allen William, 82 The Common
Benest Edward Everett, 46 Glebe road
Broome Mrs. 8 Station road
Alston James Brown, z Southborough
Bennett Alfred, 6o London road
Brough Mrs. 15 Palace grove
road, Bickley
Bennett John, 25 Common
Brown Fames, 4 Station road
Amos Henry William, 13 Cambridge
Bennett William Thomas, 57 London rd
Brown James Bryce, 39 High street
, road, Plaistow
Bennett William Weston, 61 London rd
Brown Miss, 17 Palace grove
Anley William, Elmleigh, 13 Hope park
Bessemer Anthony, ro Hope pk.London. rd
Brown Mrs. Barham house, 67 Common
Ansted Mrs. 35 Palace grove
Betts Mrs. 1 i Hawksworth road
Brown William Charles, 43 Widmore rd
Apted Samuel, 32 Tylney road
Betts Mrs. The Holmwood, Bickley pk
Browne James Wells, 83 Mason's hill
Arnaud John Fredk. 37 Freelands road
Bevington Samuel Bourne, The Elms,
Bruce Gainsford, Yewhurst, Sth.
Arnold Alfred, 16 Ravensbourne road Bickley park
Bryant Miss, 22 Common ,,
Ashbee Sydney Edward, 5 Freelands rd
Beyer Fritz, It Page heath, Bickley
Bryer William, Rozel, South Hill park
AtkinsFrs.Hy.7Glebe knoll,Beckenham
Biggs Chas. Hy. Walker, 1 Freelands rd
Buchanan Michael Gray, Southover,
Atkins Mrs. 81 The Common
Bilke Edward, Mill cottage, The Valley South Hill park
Austen Miss, 28 Freelands road
Binnie Thomas C. Homesdale road
Buckby Jas. Is Crescent road, Plaistow
Aylwin Charles Sorrento, Elmfield road
Birdseye Mrs.x5Cambridge rd. Plaistow
Buckland William, 2 Glebe road
Babbage Major-Gen. Henry Prevost,
Birkett Robt. 2 Longfield, London road
Bull Miss 0.7 Park road
Dainton house, 3 Upper Park road
Bishop George, 2 London road
BullenRichd. 14 Cambridge rd. Plaistow
Baddeley Frederick Fiper, 6 Hope park,
Bishop Joseph, 44 Palace grove
Burton Mrs. 13 Page heath, Bickley
London road Bishop Josiah, 49 Widmore road
Burtt Charles T. 45 Common
Baddeley Sarni. Netherton, Widmore rd
Bishop Mrs. Somerton lodge,34 Ravens-
CallandChas.Forbes,Fairlawn,2 Commn
Baily Mrs. 55 London road bourne road
Canny John McNamara, Kinfore,
Bailey Joshua, 14 Freelands road
Black Mrs. 19 Palace grove Hayes lane
Baker Charles Montford, Woodgate, 72
Blackshaw Walter, 15 Freelands road
Carpmael Dean, 64 London road
Mason's hill.
Blakemore William Agutter, 7 Elizabeth
Carter James, 2 Hawksworth road
talchiti William, 74 Mason's hill villas, Bickley
Carter Mrs. 4 Blomfield road
Balfour Hy. The Hollies, Beckenham la
Blaxland John Lake, 45 Freelands road
Carter Richard, 41 Ravensbourne road
Banks Ely.Wm.Willow bank, London H
Blyth Henry, 3T Widmore road
Carter William, to Ravensbourne road
Barker Rev. Peter M.A. [curate in charge
Bond John Frederick, 12 Park grove
Calling Alfred Henry, 39 Widmore road
of St.John the Evangelist],t Up.Pk. rd
Boosey Charles, The Pines, Bickley pk
Cawston Samuel, 156 High street
Barlow Mrs. Santid.Chislehurst. rd. Bickley
Booth Mrs, Effingham lodge, Bickley
Cayley Claud T.38 Widmore road
Barnard Walter,The Hawthorns,High st
Borton Mrs. 4 Southlands gro. Bickley
Chadwick Edward, 27 palace grove
Barnes Frederick Della, a2 Southlands
Bosanquet Walter Henry, i Hope park
Chaliner Mackenzie, 4I Mason's bill
grove, Bickley
Bothamley Richard B. 20 Widmore rd
Chard Hy. Dinham, 4 Ravensbourne rd
Barrett Mrs. 35 Park road ,
Bouch John, Coombe Lea, Bickley pk
Charles worth Frederick, 67 Widmore rd
Barrett William, 69 Mason's hill
Bourne James, The Pines, Elmfield rd
Charlier Julius Christian, I Hope park
BarronFrdk.Cadogan,t29 Homesdale rd
Bowen Mrs. 13 Hawksworth road
Chatterton Percy, The Limes, Oakley
Barron William John, Thornton house,
Braund William, 3 Newman road road, Common
to Southlands grove, Bickley
Brent Cecil, 37 Palace grove
Child Mrs. Coles, Bromley palace
Chubb Hammond, ro Southborough
Gidney Rev. 'William Thomas M.A.
Hughes Miss, r7 Park road
road, Bickley
Cumberland house, High street
Hull Alonzo, 29 Palace grove
Clack Mrs. 33 Park road
Ginders John Marsh, 22 Tweedy road
Humphrey Miss, 3ra, Palace grove
Clarke Charles Harwood, 65 London rd
Glennie George Frederick, 4 Southlands
Humphries Mrs. 8 Ravensbourne road
Clark Miss, 65 London road road,
Bickley Humphrys Edwd. Hy. Lingdale, Bickley
Clementson Rev. William lea. 92
Golds James, 9 Hawksworth road
Hurlbatt Chas.' &a Elizabeth vils. Bickley
Common, Woodlands
Golds William, ii Crescent rd. Plaistow
Hurst Hugh,62 Pope road, Common
Cockerton Miss, 23 Palace grove
Goodsell Henry, 47 Blomfield road
Hutton Thomas Owthwaite, Merlewood,
Coleman Mathew M.D. 8 Palace grove
Gore Robert Lawrence, 2 Park grove Bickley
Collier Alfred Henry, 49 Bloomfield road
Grantham Thomas Hy. 20 Palace grove I
lbery James William Henry, South-
Collins Herbert, 102 Widmore road
Green Herbert Tomline, 46 Park road lands grove, Bickley
Collins William, 21 East street
Green Mrs. Gordon lodge, Bickley
Ilott Edward M.D. 37 Park road
Cooper Miss, 4 Palace grove
Green Richard, r Homesdale road
Ilott Herbert Jas. M.D. 56 High street
Cooper Mrs. 17 Common
Greenhill Walter Ernest, Thornbury
Ilott James William, 76 Widmore road
Cooper Robert, 32 Ravensbourne road house, High street
Incledon-Webber Edward Chichester,
Cotes Mrs. 5 Longfield, London road
Gregory Lewis William, 24 Widmore rd 8o Mason's hill
Courtney Allen, 76 Mason's hill
Greig James, 2 Page heath, Bickley
Ingles Mrs. 43 Freelands road
Cox Charles John, Fairlawn, i Common
Gresham Fredk. Chas. 31.D. 4 Common
Ironmonger Charles, 43 Common
Cox Mrs. 22 Crescent road, Plaistow
Griffin Jas. Thackwell, 28 Widmore rd
Jackson Authur Percy, 16 Common
Crafer Thomas N. 40 Ravensbourne rd
Griffin Mrs. 28 Widmore road
Jackson Francis, 6 Southhill
Craigie Mrs. 52 London road
Griffith Wm, Paul, Bromley ho. High st
Jaffary Geo, Lorne villa, 8 Plaistow rd
Creuze Mrs. Moorlands, Bickley park
Grippen Charles Edward, 24 Hope park
Janson Dearman, North bank, Bickley
Christall Charles, 126 Homesdale road
Grover Fredk. 7 Cambridge rd.Plaistow
Janson The Misses, Cheriton, Bickley pk
Critchett Thomas, 9 Hope park
Haigh Frederick William J.P.
Wood- Jaques Mrs. /6 High street
Crowhurst Robert, 57 Common lands, Bickley park
Jeffery Miss, 21 Common
Crutcher George, 63 Simpson's road
Hall John, 16 Park road
Jenkins Frederick, 59 London road
Curwen Mrs. 9 Page heath, Bickley
Hall John Heelas, 63 Widmore road
Jesse Mrs, 6 Palace grove
Clime Edmund, 53 London road
Hall Mrs. Eversley, Elmfield road
Jobson Thos. 3 Bloomfield rd. Common
Dakers Philip, Ediacara, Bickley park
Hamilton Mrs. South Barrow, Bickley
Johnson David, 32 Park road
Dalwood Hy. Wadham, 62 Mason's hill
Hammond John, to College road
Johnstone John Haywood, a South.
Dalton Rev. Thomas Howard [curate
Hankey Ernest Allars, Elmhyrst, Bickly lands road, Bickley
in charge of Christ church], Common
Harding James, The Poplars,
Chatter- Jones George, 12 Glebe road
Davey Samuel, 22 Widmore road ton road, Common
Jones Mrs. Edward, 9 Palace grove
Davies Miss, 41 Palace grove
Harker Chas. Robinson, 81 Mason's hl
Jones William Henry, 5 Palace grove
Davis John Day, Beechwood, Common
Harris George, 31 Simpson's road
Jordan Peter, 3 Crescent rd. Plaistow
Davis Thomas, 78 Widmore road
Harris James, 14 Palace grove
Joyce George Frederick, 39 Mason's hill
Deedes Bouverie, 2 Hope park
Harris Mrs, 9 High street
Kahlart Max, 7 Ravensbourne road
Deere Chas. Henry, 16 Simpson's road
Harrison Mrs. 3 Longfield, London rd
Kinder Edward,8 Elizabeth oils. Bickley
De Firmin Robert, s Weston road
Harvey Edward Wm. 13 Freelands rd
Kingsworth Mrs.Alfd. Rosebank, High st
Dennen Geo. Plaistow road, Widmore
Hastings George, 4 Page heath,Bickley
Kinnaird Lord J.P. Plaistow lodge ; &
Dewey Thomas Charles, 151 High street
Hay Mrs. 98 Widmore road 2 Pall Mall east & Athenaeum club,
Dickinson William, 17 Ravensbourne rd
Hayward Curtis, 5 Southlands road, London
Dixon Misses,7 Southborough rd.Bickley Bickley
Kirk George Harry, in Crescent road
Dixon Mrs. & Miss, Elsternwick, Free-
Hazell Walter, Holwood road
Kirkman Henry Foster, 3 Hope park
lands road
Heaysman Thomas, sen. 15 Park road
Kirkman Miss, 6 Denmark villas
Dodgson William Henley, Hayesford
Heaysman Thomas, jun. 15a, Park road La
idlaw Alexander Wm. 38 Mason's hl
Donaldson Mrs.s Elizabeth vile. Bickley
Heaysman William, r Palace grove
Lamb Mrs. 24 Tweedy road
Douglas Henry, 3 Hayes lane
Hellicar Rev. Arthur Gresley M.A. Langmore
Frederick George, 65 Wid-
Dransfield Benjamin, 127 Homesdale rd [vicar], Church road more road
Draper Edward Danvers, 3 Park grove
Hellier Richard, 2 Park road
Langmore Richard Harcourt, Bickley
Draper John Shaw, 8o Widmore road
Henfrey George Patrick,6o Widmore rd
Larawan Jas. Robt. 29 Freelands road
Duncan John Kinmont, 7 Palace grove
Henfrey Henry Wm. 6o Widmore road
Larive Xavier N. 41 Freeland's road
Duncanson Edward F. Nutwood,
Henfrey Mrs, 6o Widmore road
Latham Fredk, George, 33 Palace grove
Bickley park
Hett James Keir, 47 Palace grove
Latter Miss C. 8 Park road
Dunn Edward, 39 Park road
Hewett William, 21 Palace grove
Latter Mrs. i Stanhope oils. Market sq
Dunstan. Mrs. 42 Palace grove
Hight Charles, 123 Holmesdale road
Latter Robinson, Pixfield, Beckenham la
Dyson Joseph, 74 Common
Hilder Thos.Paine, Barfield ldg. Bickley
Lee James, 6 Fairlawn villas, Common
Edwards Capt. William Gamul, The Hill
Alfred, Bellevue, 6 Ethelbert road
Lees Miss, r Holly villas, Crescent
Cedars, Common Hill
Robert Martin, Craigleith, Cam- road, Plaistow
Edwards Chas.9 Southlands gro. Bickley bridge road, Plaistow Leishman
John Black, Birkley house,
Edwards Wm.6 Elizabeth villas, Bickley
Hilliam Mrs. 54 Park road Bickley park
Ellis Arthur Thomas, South Hill park
Hinchliffe David, 12 Park road Lepper John Harrage, Aveley, South
Ellis Miss, Old cottage, Widmore
Hissey Mrs. 34 Park road Hill park
Emmet Miss, 6 Station road
Hoare Charles Marks, 6 Ravens-
Lewin George, 14 Tweedy rd.Bickley ph
Erskine Mrs. 66 Widmore road bourne road
Lewis Louis, r Denmark villas
Everett Edwd. Pryor, 38 Palace grove
Hodder Matthew Henry, 23 Common
Lewis Thomas, so Blomfield road
Everett George Robt. Glebe road
Hodges Richard, 35 Johnson's road
Lewis Thomas, 44 Mayville, Common
Everett Sidney, The Trellis, Bickley
Hodgkinson Charles, Caerdeon, 39
Lindsey Mark, a Station road
Earwig Mrs. 64 Mason's bill Ravensbourne road
Lloyd John Buck, Hamilton ldg. Bickly
Fenwick Chas. Abuthnot,so Widmore rd
Hodgson Rev. William M.A. [vicar of St. Loe
Daniel Prince,The Hill,Beckenhm.rd
FertelGeo.Fredk.Holmcroft,Holwood rd Mary's], 9 & to Plaistow road
Long Charles Edward, 19 Widmore road
Field Robert, 13 Common
Hollis Charles, to High street
Longley Charles, 18 Green lane, Bickley
Fischer Henry Charles, 79 Mason's hill
Holworth Joseph M. 46 Widmore road
Longsdon Mrs. Church house
Fleet Mrs. 58 London road
Horne Thomas Walter, 35 Widmore rd
Lord Henry, 36 Widmore road
Foreman Ernest, 5 Fair lawn, Common
Hopkins Miss, 49 Park road
Lovell Rev. Robert Henry [Congrega-
Fowle Rev. Edmund, Amesbury house,
How James, 38 Freelands road tional], The Vale, Ravensbourne road
Bickley How Mrs. John, 4o Freelands road
Lucas Frederick, St.Margaret's, High st
Frame Ernest, I Bloomfield rd.Common
Howard John, 26 Common Lucas Mrs. 13 High street
Gallaway Benjamin Westnor, High et
Howard Theodore, Westleigh, Chisle-
Lucas Thos. Palmer, 31 Freelands road
Garbett Mrs. Beaufort villa, Plaistow rd hurst road, Bickley
Luff George, 41 Park road
GardinerSamuel Rawson,45Widmore rd
Howard William Tullett, Southwood,
Lukey Mrs. 103 Widmore road
Garwood Rev. William, 34 Palace grove South Hill park
Luntley Philip Hy. 84 Widmore road
Gayleard Alfred Thomas, r4 Park road
Howlett Richard, 3o Widmore road
Luscombe John Henry, Fairlawn,
Gedge Mrs. so Palace grove
Hoy ack Mrs. Glengairn, Southlands Southlands grove, Bickley
Gibbs John, Campbell ho.86 Widmore rd grove, Bickley
Lyell Capt. Francis Horner, Nettle-
Gibson John M.A. Quernmore,
Hol- Boyer Mrs. a Upper Park road : stone, Widmore
wood road Hughes Hugh Spencer, Redwood house,
Lynch Hy. Foulks, r Rochester villas
Giles Albert, 1 Park grove High street
Machin Alfred, Logshill, Elmstead lane
Mackrell Rev. Robert M.A. [assistant
Payne Frederick, South Hill park
Selby William, 2 Stanhope villas,
sec. & cler. reg. of add. Curates Soc.],
Payne George Hy. 62 Widmore road Market square
10 Palace gro Payne Miss, 124 Homesdale road
Sellett Mrs. 4 Denmark villas
Macpherson Ed. M.5 Hope pk.London rd
Fearless Reginald Wilson, Thirsk villa
Sentance William, Merevale, Bickley pk
McAndrew Alex. Dulsie,2 Newman road
Pecks Mrs. 3 Southlands road, Bickley
Shackle Edward, 39 Palace grove
McAndrew William, 88 Mason's hill
Percival Fredc. 5 Southboro' rd. Bickley ,
Shaw Jas. Thompson, The Knoll, Bickly
McIntyre Thomas, Hydeswood, Chisle-
Percy Rev. Philip Henry Th.A.K.c.L.
Shaw Mrs. 26 Palace grove
hurst road [chaplain to the workhouse],
Haw- Shepheard Frederick John, Gravel road,
McKellar John, 5 Newman road thorn cottage, Common Common
McKewan William, Elmfield, Bickley
Petch Richd. Redlands, Chislehtirst rd
Shepherd Thos. 14 Crescent rd.Plaistow
McLaglen Andw. Chas. Alfd. 15oHigh st
Petrie Wm.c.E.7& 8 Crescent rd. Plaistow
Shuttleworth Mrs. Plaistow hall
MaitlandRev. Hugh Fuller M.A. [curate],
Petter G. William, Widmore house
Silver James Alexander, 8 Gt. Elms rd
42 Palace grove Pettitt Mrs. 42 Widmore road
Simon George, Widmore lodge
Mallett Mrs. 2 Holly villas, Crescent
Pfeil William, 48 Palace grove
Simpson Arth. Tomisman, 82 Mason's hill
road, Plaistow Phelp The Misses, i4 College road
Slade George, 17 Crescent rd. Plaistow
Mann Richard, 19 Common
Philbrick Frederick Adolphus Q.c.
Old- Smith Lieut.-Col. Henry Montague, 4
Marsh Wm. Ernest, 32 Freelands road field, Bickley Longfield, London road
Mason Charles, Blythe rd. London rd
Phillip George, The Retreat, Bickley
Smith Alfd. Gurney,The Firs, 2 Ringers rd
Mason Charles Greenwood, i
Longfield, Phillips Harry Tom, 16 College road
Smith Mrs. The Ferns, Ethelbert rd
London road Phillips Robert Edward, Burlington
Smith Miss, II Palace grove
Mathews Robert Newman Barnes, 8 house, Widmore road
Smith Mrs. i London road
Southborough road, Bickley
Philpott Edward A. 3o Freelands road
Smith Richard,Erin villa,? Ethelbert rd
Mathews Sidney Robert Harvey, 8 Philpott
George Walter, 3 Palace grove
Smyttan Mrs. 3 Elizabeth vils. Bickley
Southborough road, Bickley
Philpott Richard, 24 Common
Soames Eli, Ravenscroft, Mason's hill
Matthews Jas. Llewellyn, South Hill pk
Philpott William, Weir lodge, 3 High st
Solbe Edward, 4 Freelands road
Matthews Joseph Arthur, 8 College rd
Pickthall Miss, 2 Palace grove
Spark William, 9 Ravensbourne road
Matthews William H. 4 Hope park Piper Henry, 33 Widmore road Spence Miss, 2 Southborough rd.Bickley
Maul] James, 41 Widmore road Pollett Hy.Montague,Fernsd.Bickley pk Spence Robert, 6 Page heath, Bickley
Maxted Mrs. 20 Tweedy road Porter Edmund Robinson, Springfield, Spicer William Revell, Inglewood,
May Edward, Brecon villa, 42 Common Bickley Chislehurst road, Bickley
May John Cobridge Frampton, 8 Hope Portway Alfred, 32 Palace grove Stanford Edward, 81 Widmore road
park, London road Pott Miss, 64 Widmore road Stannah Joseph, Elmfield road
May Henry, 12 Freelands road Potter Alexander, 82 Widmore road Steel David,Norman cottage,24 Ravens-
Metcalf Jhn. Webster,Gwyder ho.High st Pratt Miss, 31 Palace grove bourne road
Meier Gotleib, 6r Widmore road Radmall John,Woodlands,Elmfield road Stevenson Edward Simon, 7 Southlands
Messenger Robert, 15 Hope park Rance Thomas George, Elm side, 6 road, Bickley
Messer Robert, 44 Widmore road Southlands grove, Bickley Stewart Mrs. 51 Park road
Millner Hy. John, Dewhirst,Widmore rd Rapkiu George F. 10 Tweedy road Stewart Robert Muter, Hawthorne,
Mills Henry, 53 Park road Rapley Wm. 51 Bloomfield rd.Common Bickley park
Minchaw Richard, 12 Tweedy road
Rawson Rev. Arthur M.A. [vicar of Holy
Stickels Thomas, I/. Freelands road
Mitchell Charles, 125 Holmesdale road Trinity], Oakley road, Common Stidolph Mrs. 47 Park road
Mitchell Harry Edward, Glebe road
Ray Miss, Madras cottage, Plaistow Stirling Mrs. to Page heath, Bickley
Mitchell Miss, 125 Homesdale road
Ray Thomas Philip, 52 Park road
Stockwin Mrs. 19 Crescent rd. Plaistow
Mitchell Wm.Taylor, 122 Holmesdale rd
Read John Peat, 5 High street
Stokes Jas.Jn. Springfield,South Hill pk
Monckton Fredk. Edwd. 3 Ethelbert rd
Read Samuel, 52 Widmore road
Stringer Mrs. I Park road
Montague Wiffen, 63 Mason's hill
Reed George D. 5 Cambridge rd.Plaistw
Strong Henry, 17 Park grove
Mortimer William, The Valley
Richardson John Ravensfell, 15 High st
Strong Thomas Edward, 6 Park road
Mortimer William, jun. 8 Church road
Richardson Murray, 3 Page hth. Bickley
Stubberfield Richard, 8 Freelands road
Mourllyan Martin, 4o Widmore road
Richardson Nelson Moore,79 Widmore rd
Stubbs William, 28 Stanley road
Muffett Charles, 40 Palace grove
Ridley Clement Cotterell, 23 Crescent
Stuart Capt. Dudley Charles E.N. 75
Mugridge William, r Hawksworth road road, Plaistow Mason's hill
Mullen Robt. Gordon, 21 Widmore road
Ritchie Robt. 11 Southboro' rd. Bickley
Stupart Mrs. 34 Widmore road
Mullins Samuel, 28 Palace grove
Roberts John David, 46 Common
Sulman John, Sinclair villa,Mason's hill
Mumford Sml. Pretyman, 70 Mason's hl
Roberts Thomas, The Anchorage,
Swinstead Wm. 2 Great Elms road
Mining Arnold Summers, z Page heath, Ravensbourne road
Talman Major Samuel, 99 Widmore rd
Bickley Robertson Mrs. 5o Palace grove
Taylor Jas. Wm. 6 Great Elms road
Murphy Mrs. 37 Mason's hill
Robinson Sir Bryan, 17 Hope park
Taylor John Hammerton, Chastleton,
Neale Charles, 3 Ravensbourne road
Robinson Frederick John, 28 Common Bickley park
Nettleton Thos. Jas. Ivery, 75 Common
Robinson Mrs. Hamilton, Fairlight,
Taylor Joseph, Ravensbourne road
Neuffert August H. 13 Southlands 6 Newman road
Tessier Rev. Alexander [Baptist], Ma-
grove, Bickley
Robinson Capt. Otway, Fairlight, New- dras cottage, Plaistow
Newton Henry, South lawn, Bickley plc man road
Thompson Benj.6 Cambridge. rd.Plaistow
Nickalls Conrad, Martins hill
Rogers Mrs. Laurel bank, 7 Common
Thompson Mrs. 25 Widmore road
Nisbet John, 53 Widmore road
Rolls Sidney Hy. Mayfield, 1 Newman rd
Thompson Miss, 9 Green lane, Bickley
Norman Charles Loyd, 89 Common
Rudkins Alfred, 18 Common
Thomson John, 40 Mason's hill
Norman Edwd. Elmfield, 93 Common
Rush Percy Charles, 8 & 9 Cambridge
Tomlin John, Blackbrook farm
Norman George Warde J.P. 90 road, Plaistow
Tosetti Max, Fairlawn, 3 Common
Sandell Richard Barker, 77 Widmore rd
Traill Hy. Duff, The Laurels, Bickley
Nussey Anthony Foxeroft, 2 Hayes lane
Sanders John Henry, 24 & 25 Park rd
Tronson Norman Percy Mills, Latis-
Oldham Harry, 4 Great Elms road
Sanderson John, Buller's wood, Bickley mere, 12 Hope park
Oram Tom, 43 Palace grove
Sandon Robert Frederick,RutlaNd lodge,
Trower James, 29 Park road
Osborne Geo. Holmes, 78 Mason's hill 75 Mason's hill
Tucker Arthur John, 47 Widmore road
Ough John, 5 Denmark villas
Sarson Miss, 12 Common
Turner Mrs. 36 Johnson's road
Packe Edward, Vale cottage, Plaistow
Satterthwaite Major Clement, Spring
Turton William Woolley,9 Southborough
Page Charles Benjamin, 24 Palace grove hill, Plaist )vf road, Bickley
Pain Mrs. 36 Palace grove
Saunders Wm. Sedgewick, Elmstd.wood
Tweedie Alex. Forbes, Bonngtn. Bickley
Palmer Mrs. L.44 Glebe road
Savory Mrs. 37 Widmore road
Tweedy Mrs. 16 Widmore road
Pa.rbury George W. Bickley park
Scarr Richard, 29 Widmore road
Uridge Mrs.4 Newman road
Parr Gen. Thomas Chase, 4 South-
Schiassi Henry, 5 Stanhope villas,
Vaughan Mrs. sr Palace grove
borough road, Bickley Market square
Vickery Samuel, 42 Park road
Parr Rev. Willoughby Chas. B.A. [curate Schoelkopf Egmont, 20 Park road
Vigier Alfred, 7 Pope road
of St.George's],ro Tylney rd.Widmore
Scott Sir Edward Henry Bart, J.P.
Vigne John Henry, 14 London road
Patey Charles Henry B. The Cedars, II Sundridge Park house
Wager George, 2 Rochester villas
Southland grove, Bickley
Scott Howard, 14 Common Walker James Edward, Ravenswood,
Pattison Andrew, Glebe road
Scott Col. James, 13 Palace grove 4 Ethelbert road
Payn Jas. Jabez, 5 Page heath, Bickley
Scott John, AlbyfieId, Bickley
Walmsley William Hy.2 Freelands road
Payne Charles, 71 Masons hill
Selby C. Newholme, South Hill park
Wansbrough Rev. Chas. Edwin [Wes-
Payne Douglas, 74 High street
Selby Henry, 102 High street leyan], Grove lodge, High street
Ward Osbert, 6 Southlands rd. Bickley
Ayles Elizabeth Julia (Mrs.), prepara-
Brown Jane (Mrs.),tobacnst. 2 Market sq
Warwick John Arthur, Beech view, tory school, zo & II Common
Browne Frederick George, confectioner
Ringers road
Ayling Thomas & Son, boot & shoe & tobacconist, z Church road
Watchurst James, u Hope park makers, 25 High street
Browning Charles & Son, greengrocer
Waters Charles, 6i Simpson's road
Ayling William Thirkettle, oil & glass 93 High street
Watson Frederick, X2 Palace grove dealer, 97, 98 & 99 High street
Bullied Anthony, builder, 20 Tylney rd
Watson Herbert, 5 Pope road, Common.
Bailey Alfred, carpenter & registrar of
Burch John, oilman, 105 Palace road
Watts George James, South Hill park marriages, 37 Palace road
Burden Mary (Miss), kinder garter, 5
Watts James, 25 Hope park
Bailey John, carpenter, 39 Palace road Ravensbourne road
Webb Richard, 43 Park read
Balding Henry, builder, East street Burgess
Hannah (Mrs.), fancy reposire
Webber Saint. Blatchford, 54 London rd
Baldwin Stephen Jas. aparian appliance tory, 121 High street
Weed John, 35 Mason's hill manufr. 24 Stanley rd. Mason's hill
Burgess Joseph, boot maker,' i9High ste
Weekes William, 44 Freelands road
Balls Hy.tailor,r6 Crescent rd. Plaistow
Burgess Sarah (Miss), dress maker, f9
Weldon Rev. George Warburton, M.A..
Bare Agnes Ada (Miss), preparatory Simpson's road
Bickley vicarage school, 56 London road
Bush Samuel, bookseller &c. 42 High st
Weller George, 22 Park road
Barkaway Richdbutcher,56 Mason's hl
Butler John, shoe ma. 42 Chatterton xcL
Wells .Mrs. Southborough lodge
Barker Jas. William, chimney sweeper,
Bysouth Henry, florist, 3 Park road
Wells Thomas, 13 Crescent rd. Plaistow 71 Homesdale road
Canguar Photographic Co. 130 High st
West Win. Southfield road,Bickley park
Barrel! Allen, ironmonger, 109 High st
Capon Joseph, butcher, 21 Freelands rd
Whale John, 2 Bloomfield rd, Common.
Barrett Joseph, timber dealer, 38, Wal-
Carrick John, boot maker, 29 Palace rd
White Cyril Thomas, 18 Palace grove pole road, Common
Cartwright George Henry, farmer
White James, 27 Widmore road
Bateman Henry, grocer, 19 Tylney rd Blackbrook farm
White Lynch Engadine, High street
Bax Alfred, shopkeeper, z Wharton rd
Castleton Emily Louisa (Miss), dresa
White Mrs. 33 Freelands road
Baxter, Payne & Lepper, auctioneers, maker, 9 Farwig lane
White Mrs. 5 Park road valuers, land agents & surveyors,
Chamberlain Henry, florist, i6 Henry
Whitehead. Jeffrey L. B. Southwood,. Town hall; & 69 King William street, street, Freelands road
Bickley park London e.e
Chamberlain John, school, 4 Elizabeth,
Wickes Mrs. 48 Park road
Baxter William Walmisley, chemist, & villas, Bickley
Wigram Lewis, Sunnyside, Bickley stamp office, 4o High street
Champ James, zinc worker, 65 Simp-
Wild The Hon, Emily, 52 London road
Bayman Mary Ann (Mrs.), hairdresser son's road
Wilks James, 77 Mason's hill & tobacconist, 135 High street
Chaplin James,beer retailer,64 Palace rd
Willett Archbd. Edwd. tor Widmore rd.
Beeby Walter Thomas M.D. surgeon,
Chapman Henry Edward, cabinet maker,
Willey Hy. M.D. Elmhyrst, Widmore rd_ see
Ilott, Beeby & Butt Adam's square, Mason's hill
Williams Edmund Sydney, Blackbrook,
Bennett Stephen, baker & confectioner,
Chattel] Henrietta (Mrs.), forge, 34 High st
Bickley 36 East street
Chatterton Percy, surgeon, The Limes,/
Williams Edward, 36 Mason's hill
Bignold Hy. laundry, 40 Chatterton rd Oakley road, dommon
Williams Fredk. Monier, 12 College rd
Blundell Fredk. jobmaster, Widmore rd
Cheque Bank (Samuel Bush), 42 High st
Williams John, 27 Common
Blundell Thomas & Son, fishmongers &
Chickley David, pony chaise proprietor,
Williams Mrs. 18 Crescent rd. Plaistow poulterers, 4 Widmore road Market square
Williams Mrs. 46 Palace grove
Boorah Thomas, grocer, 54 Mason's hill
Chitty William & Son, wheelwrights,'
Willis Charles Edwin, 23 Widmore road,
Boorman. George, cab & chaise prp- Palace road & West street
Willis Miss, 5 Thirsk villas, Plaistow rd. prietor, 23 High street
Church Joseph Benjamin, bricklayer,
Willis William, 49 Palace grove
Booth Brothers, coal merchants,Railway Park end, London road
Wise Lloyd, 48 Widmore road station
Churcher James William, inspector of
Withers Alfred, 35 Freelands road
Borer Amos, butcher, 26 High street weights & measures, in Simpson's rd
Withers Austin, Lusborough house, Bothamley
Richard Broughton, surgeon,
Churcher Jsph. shoe ma. 47 Tylney rd
Elmfield road 20 Widinore road
Clark Richard, gardener, 42 Stanley rd
Withers James Tuck, Campville, Bick-
Bourdon Walter & Co. bicycle agents, 6
Clarke Alfred, carpenter, 38 Palace rd
ley park Widmore road
Cleaver ,Jn. Railway Signal, 2 Mason's [Hill]
Wood Charles Bell, ao Park grove
Bourdon Walter, The Bazaar, 6 Wid-,
ClementChas. Jn. grngrcr. 45 Farwig
Wood George Wm. 6 Hope park more road Coffee Stall (opposite S.E.R. station)
Woodgate Thomas Henry, 3 London rd._
Bonnie Alfd. fariner,Cooper's frm.Com JJ (Thomas Moore, manager)
Woodhouse Mrs.3o Oakley rd. Common._
Brett Alfred, bricklayer,3 Freelands gro leclough
Leah (Miss), fancy reposir
Woods Mrs. 8 Hope park
Brett Win. grocer, 15 Plaistow
green tory, 84 High street
Woollett Herbert, Elariale, 38 Ravens-
Bromley Burial Board (Joshua Bailey,
Collins Bros. germ. drapers, to Market sq
bourne road clerk), East street ; Cemetery (George
Collins Grace (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 3
Worsley Rev. John Henry M.A. [chap- Huxley, superintendent), London rd, Market square
lain], The College Bromley Coffee Tavern (John Vincent,,
Collins music selr. 92 High st'
Wreford Geo. Blyth road, London road manager), 53 High street
Collison. Walter William, confectionery,
Wright Mrs. Highlands, Bickley park
Bromley College for Clergymen's 25 Lower Camden
Wyatt Hugh, 2 Ethelbert road
Widows cg Orphan Daughters, Lon-
Colson & Glades, painters, to Haxted rd
Wyborn John,Middleton,26 Widmore rd don road
Colwell Win. Henry, (awn, Plaistow
Wybrow Capt. William, 91. Common
Bromley Gas. Works (George fl. Os-
Conservative Club (E. C. Incledon-Web-
Wyllie Harvey, 45 Palace grove borne, sec.& man.), Holmesdale road ber, hon. sec.), aa Market square
Wythes Geo. Bickley hall, Bickley park
Bromley Literally Institute (John Cooper Bros.corn mrclints.19 Market sq
Wythes Mrs. 8 Southlands gro. Bickley
Weeks & Edward Albert Phillpott, Cooper Hy.Geo. butcher, 13 Widmore rd
Yeatman Morgan, Shawfield, Widmore hon. secs.; Benjamin Wood, librarn.),
Cooper James, tailor, 48 High street
Yerworth Miss, io Green lane, Bickley Town hall
Cousins Charles, coal dealer & carman,
Youughusband Miss, io Church road
Bromley Local Board (Joshua bailey,. Walters yard, High street
COMMERCIAL. clerk) ; offices, East street Cottage Hospital (Walter Thomas Beeby
Adams Caroline (Miss), preparatory
Bromley Parish Fire Engine HOUSE, M.D. & Herbert James Ilott M.B. med.
school, 17 Park road
White Hart hotel, keys at Police sta officers ;
Miss Julia $irmingham,
Airey Hy. Wm. fruit grower, The Corn
Bromley Record (monthly) (Thomas E. matron), Hayes lane
Allbon Henry& Son,drapers & milliners,
Strong, publisher), 14. Market square
Covell & Harris, butchers, 52 High st
55 Mason's hill
Bromley Telegraph (Charles William
Cqwie, Jas. Sundridge Hall Model farm,
Alklis Jas. & Son, cutlers, 5 Market sq
Gedney, proprietor & publisher ; pub-
Craker Ann (Miss), dress maker, 3 Den-
Allen Edward, baker, 48 Palace road lished saturday), 25 Market square mark villas
Allnutt Benjamini grocer,7 Widmore rd
Brooke Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Craker John, sewing machine agent,,.
Alwin Jn. cowkpr.Hall's farm, Plaistow 63 Palace road 104 High street
Amos George Richard, oil & celorman
Brooke Matthew,china dlr. 105 High st
Creasy Benj. shoe maker, 37 Napier rd
& plumber, ao Simpson's road
Brown David & Son, tailors, 85 High st
Cregeen Hugh Stowell, surveyor k
Ardern Wm. John, The Oak, Widmore
Brown Frederick, shopkeeper, 30 Camp- inspector to Bromley local board ;
Arnaud JohnCooper, builder,149 High st bell road offices, East st. ; res. 42 Freelands rd
Atkins Jas. upholsterer, 17 Mason's hi
Brown James,grocer, 6 Farwig lane
Crooks James, blacksmith, Common
Austen Frank, cab proprietor,
Railway Brown Joseph, beer retailer & shop-
Cross Jane Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker,
Hotel yard., East street keeper, 31 Chatterton road, Common 6z West street .
Avery Matilda (Miss), milliner & dress
Brown Wm. Henry, confectioner &
Crow John, shopkeeper, 27 Chatterton
maker, is Page Heath villas tobacconist, z z Farwig lane road, Common
Crossley Thomas, builder, Tweedy road
Garton John, contractor, 49 Stanley rd
Higham Thomas, insurance agent, 29
Crowhurst Robert, linen draper, 27 &
Gedney Charles William, proprietor of Napier road
28 Market square 4 134 High street
Bromley Telegraph' newspaper, 25
Hilder James Thomas, station master &
Crump Chas. grocer, r Ailesbury road Market square postmaster, Bickley station
Cutler Robt. upholsterer,43 Blomfield rd
Gibbs Ann (Mrs.), milliner & dress
Hill Harry Vincent, watch ma. 20
Darby William Henry, stone mason, maker, 31 High street
Hinchliffe Walter, stone mason, East st
S.E.R. station Gibbs John, veterinary surgeon, 34
Hobbs John, greengrocer, e6 East street
Dark Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 High street & 3 Widmore road
Hodges Wm. hair dresser, 16 Mason's hl
Chislehurst road, Widmore Gibson John M.A. preparatory school]
ollands Alfred, gardener, io Nicholls
Dartnall Daniel, grngrcr. i2Simpson's rd Quernmore, Holwood road lane Plaistow
Davey Joseph, beer retailer, i Napier rd
Gilbert Thos. baker & grocer, 43 High st
Hollands Eliza s(Mrs.), shopkeeper, io
Dean Fredk. coach builder, Widmore rd
Giles Chas. beer retlr. 9 „Holinesdale rd Nicholl's lane, Plaistow
Dell Wm. bird dealer & oilman, West st
Giles William, carpenter, Plaistow
Holloway & Co. bakers, 20 Freelands rJ
Denham John, builder, West street
Giles Wm. dyer & cleaner, 42 Farwig la
Hollyman James, farm bailiff to Major
Dickins Martin 3. ,see Waterer &
Gill George, builder, Common C.
Satterthwaite,,Spring Hill farm
Dickins Gilmour Elizabeth Jane (Miss), milliner
Holmes Alfred, wheelwright, Chatterton
Dickinson Linnaeus, insurance agent, & fancy draper, 34 East street road, Commons
32 Mason's hill
Golding & Shillcock (Misses), ladies' Holmes Frederick James, farm bailiff
Dixon (Mrs. & Miss), ladies' school, Eh school, 2 Denmark villas to Sir E.H, Scott hart. Sundridge frni
sternwick, Freelands road Golding William, painter & decorator,
Homewood John Robert, builder &
Dodd Isaac, beer retailer & cowkeeper,• 17 Tylney road decorator, Johnson's road
5 Gravel road, Common
Goner William, confectioner & dairy-
Hood John, tobacconist, 65 Widmore hl
DoeGeo.&Son,shoe makrs. 22 Market sq man, 81 High street
Flopgood Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 8
botterKonstantineovatch ma. r 23 High st
Goodacre William, Carpenters' Arms, Walpole road
Drake Samuel, market grdnr, Common 83 Homesdale road
Hopkins Edwin, plumber, 99 Palace rd
Draper Charles, painter, paperhanger
Goodwin Wm. Hy. builder, 3! Park rd
Hopton Jas. greengrocer, 31 Market sq
&c. 17 Simpson's road Goreltob t.La wrence,ironnangr.9Mrkt sq
Horton John Marsh, armer,Turpington
Draper Wm. Wheelwright, 61 Mason's hi
Goulden Herbt. chemist, 2 Widmore rd farm
Dunford. Henry, hosier & tobacconist,
Granger Robt. oil & colorman, Widmore
Houlgate Alfred, upholsterer & sta-
29 North road
Gransden Charles, plumber,rTylney rd tioner, 3 Tylney road
Dunmall Robert, beer retailer, 13 Oak-
Grapes Elzbth.(Mrs.),ladies' sch.West st How Jas. watch mad .107 Widmore road
ley road, Common
Gregory Lewis Wm. solctr. 24 Widmore rd
Howard John, cheesemonger, 59, 6o, 64
Dunn Edward, upholsterer, 20 Market
Greenaway Charles, bricklayer,28 Chat- & 65 High street-
square & 39 Park road terton road, Common
Hughes & Willey, surgeons, 129 High st
Dunstall John, baker & confectioner, 3
Greenaway George, grocer, 32 & 33
Humphry Charles Henry, surgeon, see
Widmore road North road Mathews & Humphry
Durling Thomas, fruit grower Oakley Greenbrook Wm. tailor, 84 Farwig lane Hunt Thomas, builder & painter, 5 Far-
. road, Common Greenfield Chas. beer retlr. Jo North rd wig lane
DutuallEdward,fishmonger,45 Palace rd Gresham Frederick Charles M.D. sur- Hunt Richard, wheelwright & shop
Earle Agnes & Mary (Misses), milliners, geon, Fairlawn, 4 Gammon keeper, 21 London road
23 Market square Griffin Albert, coal & coke merchant, Hunter bldr. r5London rd
Eastment Jane (Mrs.), draper, 102 dealer in linseed, cotton & rape cakes, Hurlock Charles, Railway hotel, East st
Palace road agent for Lawes manures ; agent for Hutchings Elizabeth (Miss), fruiterer,
Eck ington Coal Co, S.E, Railway station Westerham. ales ; depots, Bromley & 68 High street
Edger Henry, draper, see Lnkey & Edger Bickley stations ; residence,5oPark rd Ilott, Beeby & Ilott, surgeons,57High st
Edwards Ellen (Miss), dress ,maker, r Griffiths Wm. Jn. shoe ma. 45Tylney rd Mott JainesWm. surgeon,76 Widmore rd
Palace road Grinsted Daniel, coal & corn merchant, Ingles James, saddler, a2 East street
Edwards George, tailor, ro Tylney road 37 & 124 High street & S.E. & L.C. & Inns David, plumber &c. Widmore
Edwards Henry, dairyman, 72 High st D. railway stations Isard Edward & Sonytallow chandlers,
Edwards Richard, builder, ; Palace rd Grubb William Alexander, builders & 7 Market square
Elliott Richard, basket maker, x Brew- contractor, r Widmore road
Jackson Albert, boot maker 24, & dra-
house yard, Mason's hill
Guiver George, house agent, see per es, Oakley road, Common
Ellis Alfred, butcher, 44 Palace road,
Russell & Guiver Jackson George, grocer, 79 Common
Ellis Henry Blanchard, beer retailer,
Hackney Joseph, turncock, 13 Palace rd
James Jn. baker & cenfectnr.8 Market sq
27 Market square
Hadden Jn. Tiger's Head, 86 Mason's hill
James William John,.. baker, 19 Chat-
Emery Cecilia (Mrs.), laundress, 22
Hall Jas. Wm. boot ma. 34 Moreland rd terton road, Con:11110n
Napier road, Mason's hill
Hall John, painter,78 High street
Janes William, blacksmith, whitesmith
Essam William, gamekeeper to Sir E. HallpikeElizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, & ironmonger, 8 Farwig lane
H. Scott bart. Sundridge park 55 Park road
Jayes George Harris, Rose 4- Crown, r32
Evans Walter, fishmonger, 90 High st
Hanableton E, W. & Co. watch makers, High street & 3o Market square
Everett Richard„ shoe ma. ro3 Palace rd 21 High street Jayes William, builder, ,East street ;
Fawsitt Fredk.leather sel1r.2I Market sq
Hammond 43reo. plumber,r 9 Freelands rd residence, South street
Ferris Robert, saddler, 103 High street,
Harbar Stephen, wheelwright, r Palace
Jeal Ambrose, Twq Liorves, Oakley road,
& Plough inn, Common place, Widmore Common
Fertel Sarah Jane (Mrs.), ladies' school,
Harding John N. corn. school, East st
Jenner David, blacksmith, 4. Tylney rd
Holmcroft, Holwood road
Harman Robert Vine, music seller &
Jewson Hannah (Miss), dress maker,
Field Charles, boot maker, 5 Mason's hl photographer, 75 High street 36 College road
Filby dressers, 89 High street
Harper Edwd. tobacconist,roMason's hi
Johnson Frederick, corn. schl. Drill hall
Fisher Jonathan, grocer, 47, & Anglesey
Harradine Joseph, col, of taxes, Lndn. rd
Johnson /Hannah (Mrs.), preparatory
Arias, 90 Palace road
Harris David William, butcher, see school, 32 Park road
Fitz Richard, greengrocer & pork
Covell & Harris Johnson William, beer retailer, Brewery
butcher, Helmesdale road
Harris Edward, farm bailiff to G, W. tap, Common
Flatt Henry, dairyman, Park end, Norman esq. Oakley farm
Jones & Spreckley, brewers, Steam
London road
Harris Edward Stephen, undertaker, 6 brewery, Common
Flux Robert, Duke's Lead, 32 Market sq Simpson's road
Jones George, draper, 5 Widmore road
Fowle Rev. Edmuud,preparatory school,
Harris George, beer retlr. 35 London rd
Jonea Thomas, builder, West street
Amesbury house, Bickley
Harris Thomas's Frederick e.s.c,, v.c.s.
Jones Thomas Borradale, ironmonger,
Freeman Hannah (Mrs.),grocer,34Simp- preparatory schl. for boys, Tweedy rd 118 High street
son's road
Harvey George Alfred, zinc worker,
Keer Ma.nning,genladrpr. 27 &28High st
Freeman James,Swan & Mitre, 91 High st Mason's Thin ; & at Lewisham. See Keith Percy, shoe maker, 22 Chatter-
Frisby Wm. boot & shoe ma. 9 Farwig la advertisement ton road
Frost Frank A. grocer, 28 East street
Haynes Thomas, grocer, 88 High street
Kendall William, haberdasher, 54 Wid-
Fryer Henry Thomas, Railway tavern,
Head John, pork butcher, 12 Mason's hl more road
89 Mason's hill Heath
William Robert,poulterer & pork Kent (3rd) Rifle Volunteers (F co inpany)
Gammon Richard, bell hanger.& smith, butcher, 43 Tylney road (Capt. Edward Satterthwaite, com-
to Park road- Ileaysmau & Sons, butchers, 6 Mrkt. sq manding officer ; Patrick Morgan,
Garagnon Jenny (Madame), ;dress
Hewick Mary Ann (Miss), stationer, drill instructor)
maker, 22 Tylney road 13o High street
Mick Jas.plumber &c. r 1 Simpson's rd
King John, linen draper, 36 High st
Messenger George, baker, 5 Tylney rd
Phillips John, tailor, 3 North road
King Mary J. (Mrs.), stationer & tobac-
Middlemiss Wm. baker, 89 Palace road
Phillips Robert Edward, physician, Bur-
conist, ro8 Widmore road
Mills James, painter &c.29 Farwig lane lington house, Widmore road
Kirby George, stone mason, 9 Park end,
Milstead John & Henry, bakers, x
Phillpot Edward Albert, -boot & shoe
London road Stanley road, Mason's hill dealer, 87 High st. & xr Widmore rd
Kirby Thos.farrner,Hook farm,Common Milstead Walter, carman, 2 Prospect
Phillpott Mary (Mrs.), stay maker, 83
Kither Geo. dairyman, 18 Freelands rd place, Mason's hill Farwig lane
Knight & Son, cabinet ma. 4 Farwig la
Milstead Wm. butcher, 31 Mason's hill
Piggott Edmund, Bencewell farm &
Knight John, farmer, New farm
Mitchell Elizabeth (Mrs.),beer retailer, Slough farm, Common
Knight Rd. Prince Frederick, Plaistow 69 Common Plaistow Working Men's Club (E. C,
Knight Rt. painter, 39 Walpole rd. Corn
Mitchell William, tailor, 66 High street Reed, sec.), 65 Farwig lane
Knight William, Chequers, & wood
Mitchiner Miss Julia Elizabeth, ladies' Pocock Jas. Rubn.eeedsman, 19 High st
broker, Southborough, Bickley outfitter, 17 Market square
Podger & Sons, steam dyeing, cleaning
Laidla w & Co. engineers & implement
Moore & Mathew, coal merchants, S. E. & laundry works, Page heath & 136
agents, 38 Mason's hill & L. C. & D. railway station ; & High street. See advertisement
Lambert Edward, Crown, 65 Common Beckenham
Podger Ann (Mrs.), small ware dealer,
Lansbury Thos. road contractor &
Moore Hy. confectioner & tobacconist, 57 Farwig lane
brick maker, 20 Common r8 Mason's hill
Podger James, bricklayer, 67 Farwig la
Latter & Willett, solicitors & com-
Moore Wm. gardener,? Hawksworth rd
Podger Robert, carman, r Weston grove
missioners to administer oaths in the
Moore William, grocer, 26 Tylney road
Pointer Henry, shoe maker & leather
Supreme Court, 26 Market square
Mortlock Charles, picture frame maker, seller, 9 Mason's hill
Latter Robinson (firm, Latter & Wil- 6 East street
Ponsford & Son, florists & seedsmen, 4
lett), solicitor & clerk to the magis-
Motum Bloomfield, butcher, 76 Common Market square & Westmoreland road
trates, 26 Market square
Mowat John Alexander, boot & shoe
Poole John, painter, 17 Park end
Lawrence Alfred C. clothier, 29 High st maker, 3 Market square
Potter James, grocer, Holmesdale road
Lawrence Geo. greengrcr. 8 Mason's hill
Muffett Charles, builder, 82 High street
Potter John, baker & confectioner, r r6
Lawrence Mary Ann (Miss), milliner
Mullen Robert Gordon, clerk to High street
& dress maker, 7 Mason's hill guardians ; to the Beckenham school
Powell Wm. surveyor to the highway
Lawrence Thos. contractor, 21 Pope rd board, Bromley & Beckenham joint board, 53 Stanley road
Lay George Henry, house decorator,
Hospital board & sec. to West Kent
Prangle William, chimney sweeper, / r
27 Simpson's road Main sewerage board ; local offices, Freelands grove
Leathern Jane (Mrs.), boot & shoe East street
Presland Thomas, builder, Westmore-
maker, 73 High street Mundy Edwin, linen draper,46 High st land road
Leavey George Hiram,clothier & hatter, Munday Joseph, shoe maker, 33
Moore- Prevett Hepzibah (Mrs.), dress maker,
54 High street land road 3o North road
Leighfield Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Murcott Charles, Crown 4- Anchor, 9 Prevett Wm. shopkeeper, 28a,Northrl
12 Farwig lane Park road Pritchard Matilda (Miss), dress maker,
Ley James, baker, 62 Common Mussell George, grocer & draper, 90 & 77 High street
Lines Martha (Mrs.), Rising Sun, 35 91 Honesdale road
Proctor James, shoe maker, 6 Napier rd
High street Nappier Thos. B. french polisher, 38
Pulham Charles, statuary, & mason, 6o
Littlecott Thos. Beech Tree tay. Land. rd Newberry road Mason's hill
Lloyd Hy. Edwd. turncock, Wharton rd
Nash Jas. & Co. confectioners, 3o High st
Pyrke Bertram Stewart, grocer,24 High st
Lloyd Maurice, ironmonger, 86 High st
Nash & Milstead, fancy repository, r46
Pyrke Geo. Lyde, upholstr. 174 High at
London 4- County Banking Co. Limited High street
Quick Henry Bailey, shirt & collar
(branch) (Geo. Dennen, manager),
Nash Edward Thomas, confectioner & maker, 9 Widmore road
Town hall ; draw on head office, 21 tobacconist, 20 High street
Ramonuer Co. Freelands grove
Lombard street e.e
Neale Charles, dairyman,96 High street
Ranson Thos. decorator, 59 Mason's hill
Longhurst John, chimney sweeper, 8 Nesbitt Jas. boot ma.r42 & 143 High st
Ranson George, beer retailer & shop-
Adam's square, Mason's hill
Nettlefold John, auctioneer,32, 33 & 144 keeper, 3o Common
Lownds William, White Hart family High street
Rapley Edward Charles, Three Com-
hotel 4- posting house, assembly &
Newman Charles, collector of poor passes, 104 Widmore road
billiard rooms, 138, x39 & 140 High st rates, 39 Freelands road
Batley & Thorpe, fancy repository, ro5
Lowrence John Wm. general furnisher,
Norman Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Widmore road
112 & 13 High st. & r4 Mason's hill College road
Ray Sarah (Miss),,44Park rd
Lukey & Edger, drapers,I20 High street
Nye Frederick William, grocer, rot
Redding George. shopkeeper, Plaistow
Lukey Vincent Vaughan, auctioneer Palace road
Redfern Hy.gas fitter&c. x4 Widmore rd
& estate agent, 32 East street
Nye Hy.cabinet maker, 36 Palace road
Rice Hy. greengrocer, 2 Ailesbury rd
Lynes Jane (Mrs.), milliner, 83 High st
Odden James, grocer, 3 Mason's hill
Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants,
Lyon Artemus, gardener to Sir E. H.
Oliver Percy, boot & shoe maker, 126 S. E. Railway station
Scott hart. Sundridge park High street & 2 Devonshire terrace,
Rider & Co. bakers, x3 Farwig lane
McKenzie Eustace A. bookseller &c. ao8 East street
Ridley George,coffee rms. 4 Simpson's rd
High street Orford Wm. shoeing smith, West street
Roberts Chas. contractor, ro Napier rd
Maffei- William, builder, 27 Napier rd
Osborn George, plumber, 7 East street
Robinson William, grocer, 78 Common
Mallett Wm. Robt. architect, Crescent
Orford Greystone Lime Co. L. C. & D.
Rockall Rebecca (Mrs.), cab proprietor,
road, Plaistow railway station Tiger's Head yard, Mason's hill
Manger Richard, draper, Homesdale rd
Oxlad Alice Eliza (Miss), ladies' school,
Roffey George, beer retailer & farm
Marehant Joseph, refreshment rooms, Y-Garn, 37 Ravensbourne road bailiff to George Edwards esq. South-
6 Mason's hill
Pamphilon George, wine & spirit mer- borough, Bickley
Margetts Edmund, eating ho.Market sq chant, 58 High street
Rookaby Jn. Thos. butcher,64 Farwig la
Marsh Thos. Hy. grocer, 73 Farwig lane
Parsons William, bricklayer, 6 Gravel
Rooksby Walter, gardener, 64 Farwig la
Marshall Alfred John, linen draper, 44 road, Common
Rose Henry Jas. relieving & vaccination
High street
Pascall Brothers, brick, tile & pot officer No. i district & registrar of
Martin Edwin, grocer, 128 High street makers,Homesdale road; & at Redhill, births & deaths for Bromley sub-
Mathews & Humphry,surgeons, 8 South- Chislehurst, & St. Paul's Cray district, 109 Farwig lane
borough road, Bickley
Pascall Jas. Jn.dairyman, 39 Stanley rd
Rounds Wm.shopkeeper,6 Freelands gro
Mathews Jas. Lewellyn, solicitor,
South Payne Douglas, builder,,r xr High st
Ruegg Henry, butcher, 45 High street
Hill park
Payne Charles, fruiterer, 76 High street
Humph Samuel, grocer, 6o Common
Matthews Elizh. (Mrs.),milliner & dress
Payne George Henry, builder & decora-
Russell & Guiver, house &c. agents, 2
maker, Holmesdale road tor, 63 High street Crescent road, Plaistow
Maunder William, baker & confectioner,
Pearce Frederick, builder, 5 East street
Russell & Co. carriers, 53 West street
a Market square Pearcey & Harris, dairymen, 18 East st
Sales Geo, dairyman, 21 Palace road
Maynard John, bailiff to Mrs. Coles
Pell Edwin & Sons, general contractors,
Sanders Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker,
Child, Palace farm 32 Common 24 & 25 Park road
Mead Lorenzo Gadsden & Co. coal &
Penfold Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, x8
Sanders Isaac, Greyhound, 117 High
corn merchants, 13 Mason's hill Oakley road street ; & stores, 62 High street
Medhurst Fredk. linen drpr. 49 & 50 High st
Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, boot
Sanders John Harrison, Freelands
Marsh Wm.carman & coal dlr. 54 Palace maker, 114 High street tavern, Freelands road
road & S. E. railway station
Pfeil William, pawnbroker, 7r High at
Satchell Thos. plumber &c. 141 High st